Chapter 10

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~A few years later~
Graduation has arrived, I spot Rin as I enter the hall, She waves to me near the front row.

I make my way to her and say over millions of people "It's so loud in here!" She smiles and says "I know! I got you a seat come on!"

She leads me over and we take a seat and watch as the graduation begins.

I ask her once everyone has settled down "What are you going to do after graduation?" She whispers "I'm going to be a baker, you know, make cakes and pastry".

I light up and say "Wow, maybe sometime you could make me a bunch of cupcakes" I giggle.

The principal addresses our last assembly and graduation. I look around and make eye contact with Ryuzaki not too far from me.

Rin asks "What are you going to do?" I reply "I don't know yet..." I break contact with Ryuzaki and return a smile to Rin.


After graduation and we all shuffle out of the building, Ryuzaki catches up to me before I can walk home.

He says "Y/n, I need to talk to you".

I turn to face him and ask "What is it?" He replies "Would you like to work at the Police Department with me on the Kira Case? I need someone with a brain".

I say confused "I would love to but I don't know what I want yet."

Ryuzaki gives me a card with the police department address and says "For when or if you change your mind. You could be really useful to me".


After a few days I run into Light at a local Cafe. He has a group of friends now, which makes me happy to see that he was able to create alot more friends.

He says "Y/n, I haven't seen you in so long it's nice to see you again".

I reply "I feel the same, how are things going for you?" He says scratching his cheek with his finger a smile on his lips "I have been good. I don't have a job yet but I assure you I am still a working man".

I ask "How so?" Light says "I've been thinking about the Kira Case after remembering the meeting you and I had years ago at my house."

He continues "I've been thinking about joining my Dad at the Police Station and capturing Kira. If you're still interested as well maybe you should join with me".

I ask "Did you know Ryuzaki is apart of the Police Department?" Light's eyes widen a bit then he smiles and asks "Of course I know, when did you find that out?"

I say "Back when we were at Daikoku Academy" He says lowly with a small laugh "Of course".

I pull out the card Ryuzaki gave me and show Light, I say "Ryuzaki already asked me, did he tell you to ask me too?" Light shakes his head and says "He didn't, I didn't even know he came to you first".

I say "Well I guess in the end I have nothing else to do. I'll join but I have to be honest with you first".

He asks with a smirk "Oh?" I say "I originally suspected you of being Kira back at your house all those years ago".

He stares at me in shock, he asks innocently "Me? Y/n that is insane, I was a student".

I don't know what came over me but a part of me felt like he was hiding something.

I kept teasing "That's what I thought too until you continued asking 'what ifs' about Kira being good then suddenly saying you're not a Kira Supporter".

I put on a smile and say "But I'm sure I was wrong, I would be happy to work along side you Light".

He rests a hand on my shoulder and leans in a bit, he says holding eye contact "Like wise".

I pull away.


I walk up the steps to the Police Department in the evening. I enter and go to the front desk, I say "I am here to accept Ryuzaki's offer", I show them the card.

The person at the front desk looks at me surprised and says "O-okay, just take a seat over there and I will call him".

I take a seat, in a few minutes Mr Yagami arrives and says "Hello Y/n, come with me please".

I nod and get up taking my day bag, Mr Yagami asks "How are you?" I reply "I am doing fine, my only problem now is helping you guys stop Kira".

Mr Yagami says "It's nice of you to agree to help us, I just want you to remember that you don't have to do this because you feel like it's your job to".

I say calmly "It is now. If Kira slip up and decides to kill innocent people then it's our fault that we didn't stop them in time".

We take the stairs up to the main room, Mr Yagami opens the door for me and I enter.

Ryuzaki turns around in his chair and says "Oh so you did come".

I say sarcastically "Yeah, I recently discovered I have literally no other interest right now than to join the police force".

Ryuzaki says "I am not stupid
Y/n" I reply "I know you're not, yes I am here to help you I am just tired".

I look around the room and see a bunch of men I don't know apart from Light who sits beside Ryuzaki near the computers and advanced tec.

I take a seat on the couch and ask "So what have you been doing lately about this Kira Case?"

Ryuzaki says eating cake "We have been following suspects so far however have nothing".

I ask "Why don't you get someone to confront them? Obviously like a regular everyday person, get to know the suspects and if they show anything of being Kira grab them".

I make a grab gesture with my hand.

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