Chapter 8

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"My relationship with Light?" I ask, Ryuzaki nods.

I say "He's a friend in a way, but then he's not. I don't even know how you would even describe our relationship".

Ryuzaki cuts in and says "Strangers who know eachother".

I nod, Ryuzaki falls into a thought.

He says "In my eyes you two are friends".

I look at him confused, the bell rings.


I sprint to catch up to Ryuzaki, I say "Wait! I have a question" He stops and turns to face me.

I stop running when I make it to him and ask catching my breath "Why are you really interested in the Kira case?" The pale man looks down on me and says "I'm L".

I laugh and say "You're joking right? L never shows their face, why on earth would he be here?"

He pokes my forehead and says "I am here because Kira is here Y/n. Open your eyes".

I grab his sleeve just as he turns back around, he stares at me, I say "If you really are L, why are you questioning me? Am I a suspect?"

He replies "You are friends with a suspect, which reminds me of something I need to ask you".

I ask "What?" He replies in a lower voice "Will you join the police on the Kira case?" I say letting his sleeve go "I'll... Think about it. I need to discuss this with my parents".

Ryuzaki agrees.


Light's POV》
I sit in my room as this Misa girl who claims to be the second Kira cries on the floor begging to stay.

I sigh and say "Fine, I will be your boyfriend" Misa looks up suddenly filled with joy.

I think 'I wonder how Y/n is doing right now... I think my main concern is what L is planning, is he going to try and use Y/n to get information from me?'

As I ponder those thoughts I see Misa cheering, I think 'Misa could prove useful with a second Death Note, Y/n would prove useful with her knowledge. I think I need them both...'


《Ryuk's POV》
I watch Y/n read in the living room of her house, I hold Light's Death Note and slowly bring the book near her skin, I stop inches away from her shoulder and say "Light, are you sure this is wise".

Knowing Light isn't here I stand there unsure.

I pull the book away and tuck it in my belt, I walk out the door and take an apple from the fruit bowl.

I remember what Light said to me before he went to sleep: "When you have the time get Y/n to touch the Death Note and tell her to come to me".

I say to myself "Not yet..."


《Y/n's POV》
I relax on the last day of the week, that was until I find Light watching me through out the day every now and then.

Sometimes he would approach me and ask me questions about Ryuzaki and sometimes he would pester me about going to the same place as I plan on going.

I feel like I'm on watch because I've done something I shouldn't have.

I snap out of my thoughts when Light asks "I over heard Ryuzaki talking to you in Science about us, what was he getting at?"

I reply "That's none if your buisness, I tell you this over and over, go bother your girlfriend".

He says spectating me "I broke up with her, you can stop trying to use that as an excuse to run away".

Light gives me a powerful glare which raises questions for me, I ask curiously "What happened to you? You used to be way nicer".

Light laughs and says covering up with a smile "I'm sorry, things have been tense lately".

I press poking his chest "With what exactly?" He puts his hands up in defense and says "With school work, it has been giving me stress lately. Do you think you can help me?"

I try to say no but he says taking my hand "Of course you will, you're so kind Y/n. Come to my place tonight".

I snap "No! Light what is wrong with you?" I rip away from him and shove him.

I notice Ryuzaki staring at us from behind, that's when I realize his main focus is on Light.

'He's the Kira suspect isn't he...'

I apologize and say "Actually I'm sorry for my behavior, I shouldn't be treating another student like this you are just curious".

Light smirks and says "Nine o'clock?" I nod and say "If it will help a friend then yes, see you tonight".


I text my Mum about the situation between Light and I.

Suprisingly she agrees and says he's a good student.

I switch off my phone, Ryuzaki taps my shoulder and says "You are aware of the suspect now I am guessing".

I reply "Yes I am, it's Light isn't it?" He puts a finger to his lips signaling me to be more quiet.

I say "I've had time to think about your offer for me to work with the police force. I accept if it means I can sleep at night with a calm mind".

He says "I figured you would say that. Give me information on Light when you get to his house, anything suspicious".


I walk side by side with Rin, Rin exclaims "YOU'RE STAYING THE NIGHT WITH LIGHT YAGAMI!?"

I say calmly "He needs to catch up on school work apparently, and I have a whole change of clothes in my bag that was supposed to be for PE so I'm all set".

Rin shouts "But Light is the most hottest guy in school! Why would he just invite you to his house unless there is something else he wants!"

I reply "Because apparently he is sucking at school work" Rin gives me another unimpressed look.

She and I stop when we see Light at the end of the road waiting for me, Rin says "Just be safe Y/n, see you next week" I reply "Have a good weekend Rin".

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