Chapter 5

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~{Light's POV}~
I tuck the Death Note into my bag and walk into the school, to my surprise I notice a black haired male following me.

I turn a corner and try to loose him, I pass a few classrooms and walk upstairs to the second platform.

When I turn another corner I see Y/n sitting down reading one of her 'special' books on a bench.

I head straight towards her and ask "What are you reading?" She jumps and chucks the book onto the floor beside her.

She then bursts into laughter knowing she has been caught and says honestly "Yeah, no I was reading yaoi" she picks it up off the ground.

I say with a smirk "Uh huh... Do you read other books than that?" She nods and says "Yeah I do, it's just that yaoi is interesting especially for my age".

I sit beside her and say "Can you give me the book?" Y/n hesitantly gives me the book, I open it and hide my face behind the pages, on cue the black haired student gives me a look before walking past quietly.

When he's gone I put the book down and say with a sigh "I don't get your interest in this".

Y/n takes the book and gently smacks my shoulder with it, she says with a knowing voice "That's because you're not a girl or a boy who finds it interesting".

She giggles, I ask curiously "How does the second smartest student ever find yaoi so fascinating".

She rolls her eyes and says sarcastically "I suppose you read realistic books like the most boring person in the world".

I give her book back and say leaning in close "You have no idea".

Y/n leans backwards a bit, away from me, she says knowingly "I don't think your girlfriend would approve of you invading my space Light Yagami".

I back off and say "You're right, sorry" I put on my best gentle laugh and say "I'm afraid we aren't going through a good patch".

Y/n says bluntly "It's really none of my buisness to know about you and your girlfriend Light, I'm going to go find Rin".

She stands up picking up her bag and leaving.

Ryuk hovers above me and says "Spicy, I sensed fire at the end of that conversation".

I reply crossing my arms "I think she knows I keep women on a string that's why when she got an answer from me about my girlfriend she wasn't happy".

Ryuk asks "What do you mean?" I reply "Y/n is cautious of me, she thinks I might use her at some point like the rest of the women I've dated".

Ryuk sets himself on his feet and says "But you said you weren't going to date her" I reply "I didn't say I wouldn't, I said I've thought about it in the past".

I stand up picking up my bag, I say "Y/n is too smart to fall for it".


~{Y/n's POV}~
I walk home quietly, the night breeze giving a small chill to the atmosphere.

I hear a gun click gently and metal rest against the back of my head.

The person growls "Don't turn around".

I stare forward and they say "Stop walking!" I stop and stand there, the woman snaps "Give me your bag!"

I say calmly "I'm a student, there will be nothing valuable in my bag except books and pens."

The female voice snaps hitting my head a bit with her gun "Give me your fucking bag!"

I take off my bag and she says softly "Okay" she takes the gun away and set my bag on the ground searching through it.

I ask "What is your name and what convinced you to rob people?" She stop shuffling behind me and say "That's none of your buisness!"

I say "I have a possibility of dying I might as well know", she is silent for a while then she says "I have no choice, I'm new to a gang, my name is Nina Lake".

I say "How about I give you money and you tell them you robbed me of it Nina?" She asks surprised "R-really?" I nod.

I hear a happy sniffle behind me, she says "You can turn around" I slowly do as she says and see it's a younger girl than me.

She points the gun at me and says "But don't you dare fucking move after that!"

I nod, she asks in a ordering manner "Where is the money?" I say disappointed "It's in my pocket".

She puts the gun down and puts a hand into my jacket pocket, she yells "There is no money in there!" I knee her stomach and grab her wrist punching her in the throat.

She falls onto the ground, I grab my bag and make sure she's still breathing, I then make a run for it knowing she's alive and make it home safely.

~{Light's POV}~
I stand behind a stone wall and watch as Y/n darts off, I look at my opened Death Note with 'Nina Lake' written in it and just as I predicted the girl starts to struggle on the ground before fading away.

I walk over to Nina's corpse and pick up Y/n's book from the ground, I put it in my bag and walk the same direction as Y/n.

As I'm on my way Ryuk says sarcastically "Not interesting in her books aye?" I reply "I'm going to give it back to her".

Ryuk asks suspiously "What are you planning Light?" I say "Killing criminals is my job, having the second smartest person in class as an ally could be useful".


I knock on the L/n family's door, Mrs L/n opens the door and asks "Hello?" I say politely "I am Light Yagami, I came to return a book of Y/n's".

I go to pull out the book, Y/n walks past and happens to spot the inches of the book, rushes to the door and says "Ah! Thank you Light for returning my book!" She laughs and says "Can I talk to you for a second?" I nod, she pulls me inside and halfway down the hall.

Her mother stares at us shocked before slowly walking into the next room, she whispers embarrassed "My Mum doesn't know I read that stuff!"

I smile and give her the book, I say "You left it in one of our classes" she says "Thank you, you might want to leave before my Mum jumps to conclusions".

Ryuk stands behind her holding her shoulders and says "Don't be mean to her Light".

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