Chapter 4

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I take a walk outside on a Sunday morning and see Light talking with a girl walking to a bus.

I shrug and think 'That's his fourth girlfriend this month, does that guy ever have a break'.

I remember how he tended to have a few girlfriends here and there but now the rate of him being in a relationship has escalated like crazy.

I take a step under a tree a red blur falls down towards me and I close my eyes grabbing the object just in time inches from my head.

I open my eyes slowly and bring the object to view in front of me, an apple.

I think 'How odd, a certain time and I happened to be in a specific place for this to happen'.

I look up and see it's not an apple tree, I look closer and feel eyes on me.

I sink my teeth into the apple and rip a piece of it out, I chew and swallow and say outloud "Thanks" I motion the apple towards the tree and walk away with it still in my hand.


~{Ryuk's POV}~
I chuckle sitting in the tree watching as the girl leaves. I jump out of the tree and follow her, 'Light says he doesn't want me around right now so I'll do what I want'.

I see her continuing to take bites out of the apple every now and then.

I say "Hungry aren't you?" Knowing she can't hear or see me.

I pick up a strand of her hair behind her and say "Why is Light fond of you?"

She finishes the apple and looks for the nearest rubbish, I take the core out of her hands and shove it into my mouth.

Y/n says outloud in shock "What the hell" she stops walking and tries to process what happened.

She finally shakes it off and walks into a library, I walk in with her and grumble "This looks boring..."

I see her pick out a book with two men on it kissing, she takes a seat on a couch and opens to the first page.

I curiously sit down beside her and read the same book, I say surprised "This is the best five seconds I've ever seen in a book".


I watch as Y/n talks with a friend of hers about the book she was reading at the library in her room.

I cover my mouth gasping dramatically and say "Don't miss out the bit where Jason cheated!"


I head back to Light's house eating some of Y/n's apples from her house which are nice and juicy finally someone who has taste!

I enter Light's room and see him scribbling in his book, I say "Y/n is so fun to hang out with Light, maybe one day you should go to her house".

Light puts his pen down and asks "Why on earth were you at Y/n's house?" I reply "You told me to go away so I went and hung out with her instead, she reads books called "Yaoi" and I think they are addictive".

Light blushes a bit and says "Don't get addicted to that Ryuk it's normal for teenage girls to read that stuff".

I laugh and say "Do you read similar books?" Light says with a smirk "I'm not interested in those kind of things, I prefer girls in real life".

I ask "Would you ever consider dating Y/n?" Light closes the Death Note and says "You just want to hang out with her more don't you?" I stare at him waiting for an answer.

Light continues "I will admit I have thought about it, but I am not into long term relationships".

I change the subject and ask "Anything about this L guy?" Light replies putting the Death Note into his desk drawer "No, but he is still planning to catch me".

I chuck Light an apple, he catches it with one hand and I say "It's from Y/n's house, I am going to find more apples".

I stand up, Light smiles and says setting the apple on his desk "I will savour it for later unless you eat it", I shrug and walk out.

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