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Mitchel's POV

It's been about five days since I was released from the hospital. I hated having people care and watch over me so closely but I knew it was outta love. It had to have been all the attention on me. Their concern just reminded me of what I did that night. They wouldn't even let me touch alcohol. And the only drug I could use at the moment was marijuana.

Jordan has been around most days now. I've noticed me getting more agitated by her ways since I've been on house arrest. The guys have been sick of her but "babying Jordan" is a whole new level of annoying to them at least. She's being sweet to me and is so caring. It's when Jordan tells me what to do that gets me irritated. There was a difference from looking out for me vs being controlling. She didn't quite find the line between those two just yet.


Today, Jordan wasn't around today. The days she wasn't here I spent with Christian. Most times we just played video games or listened to music while laying down. We weren't back to the way we used to act. Our dynamic with each other has been strictly friends since I got out of the hospital. It was starting to drive me crazy. I hated it. So I was determined to make Christian break his deal.

Christian and I were laying on my bed. We had a comfortable space between us. He hasn't made any kind of move on me since we broke things off. I was starting to get irritated that he's been keeping his distance from me. I missed his warm touch. The comfort he brought me was what I needed. Christian's gaze turned over to me and his eyes roamed around my face before he spoke.

"Mitchel, what is it? You look like you got something on your mind. Talk to me." It amazes me how he notices little details about me. We have been best friends for years so of course he would know but I love that he still pays attention to me.

"Why haven't y- it's just that you." I sighed trying to find what I wanted to say. "Why haven't you kissed me or really laid with me like you used to? I mean I'm glad you're this close to me right now but I want more."

"I hope you don't take this wrong way. Just because you were in the hospital didn't automatically mean we were back to what we used to be. You know you still have a girlfriend, right? I'm just trying to be a good friend and take care of you."

Christian spoke with a change of tone in his voice. If I'm being honest it kind of hurt hear him say that. I roll onto my stomach so I'm shoulder to shoulder with him. I move closer and then I move closer even more. I'm practically smothered into his side by now. He looks up at me and glances around my face.

"What are you doing? You're really close to me." I see him take a deep breath. I think I'm making him nervous. Me? Making Christian Anthony nervous? That's a new one.

"Kiss me." He took a double take at me before he lifted his head and kissed my cheek. Fuck you, Anthony. "Why are you frowning at me?"

"You know that's not what I meant. I won't ask again, kiss me."

Christian grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in as he slowly connected our lips together.

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