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Mitchel's POV

Jordan and I headed home earlier than everyone else because Jordan had to sleep. She had a work shoot early in the morning. We took an Uber to my house and she drove home. She was sober enough which turned out great. I didn't want to drive her home because Christian could possibly come back tonight.


Christian must be home because I heard a noise coming from his room. Ain't it funny how just thinking of someone can give you a butterflies feeling in your stomach. Christian is that for me. He's always been that for me ever since the first day we met. I love this man and always will. If only I had the strength in me to break up with Jordan. Forget about all that right now. I'm getting my Christian fix tonight. All that matters.

I get to Christian's door and he was unbuttoning his shirt. He notices me standing there but doesn't say anything. I walk over behind him and softly press my lips to his neck. He hums slightly in response. I snake around him and trail my hands down his chest along half unbuttoned shirt. My hands touching his skin. Eventually taking his shirt off in one quick motion. I admire his bare chest while still roaming my hands all over him. Christian finally breaks the silence.

"Mitchel, what are you doing?" he asked while looking down at me and my moving hands. I don't say anything instead I wrap my hand around his neck to pull him into a needy kiss. At first he's taken back but ends up kissing me back. He has my bottom lip between his teeth and I let out a small whimper. The kiss lasted about 15 seconds before he pulled away. I could feel my cheeks burning red. Christian loves it.

"I uhh umm hi." I was still coming down from our kiss. Only Christian could make me feel foggy after one kiss. "I heard you and came to see if it was true that you were here alone."

Christian smirked slightly and pulled me closer by my hips. "I did come home since you asked me too," he said looking down at me."What now? If this is just another one of your stupid little games. I swear I-."

I cut him off by giving him little kisses on his chest, working my way up to his neck. "I would mark you up but I'm pretty sure your boyfriend would be suspicious," I said while sucking on his skin and biting down.

"Since when did you care? But I would actually prefer not to have hickeys right now. Now lift up your arms." He said in a demanding manor. I lift my arms and took my shirt off making sure to be extra touchy the whole time. His touch gave me a wave of shocks throughout my body. "Up."

Up meant I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. I love holding onto him like this. He let us to the bed and I scooted up to the bed frame. As he was hovering over me, his chain, that I bought him, hung down. Christian was about to say something but I pulled on his chain so his face fell down. It was a lustful and passionate kiss that I so desperately needed more of. "Christian, can we fuck long and slow? I want this to be rememberable. But you can say no."

"Baby, that's fine with me. Let's see if you can really handle going slow." Christian smirked as he began kissing down my neck until he reached my v-line. I didn't know slow kisses could make me want Christian more than before. He was taking his sweet time with me, it drove me wild. I didn't let him know.

"Uhh Christian. Can you go a little quicker?" I asked sheepishly. I knew he was going to hold that against me later on. Christian answered by pulling down my shorts and my boxers, giving my hard on a release from the friction of my clothes. "I'm going to make you feel good baby, you don't have to worry."

Christian licked down my torso again until he reached down to my throbbing dick. I wanted him to take me all in and make me feel good. He did that. This sounds stupid or cheesy or whatever but Christian on me was therapeutic. I didn't care about anything, just focusing on Christian and the pleasure I felt.

"I need you, now please." I was practically begging now and he wasn't listening to me. Or maybe he was. He loved teasing me. I guess, I deserved it. Christian and I have been playing each other for about a month or two now. Playing mind games with one another. Breaking things off but coming back together with ease. Is this normal? Toxic? I didn't care whatever it was because Christian being inside me felt right.

"You can't come yet. You have to wait for me," Christian demanded I wait for him. I hated when he did that to me. I couldn't take his thrusts anymore.

"Christian I can't wait any longer. I need to - ah uhh uhh," my moans were filling the room. I couldn't control myself any longer. Thank god, Christian gave me a nod which was a sign that I could finish he wasn't too far behind. Christian finished on me and picked me up for us to take a shower.


"I don't know what to do anymore, Kras," I whispered to Christian. I was laying on his chest with our legs wrapped around each other tightly. Shirts off and only in our boxers. His hand low on my waist. I felt comfortable in his arms.

"Here's a thought you could break up with Jordan," he said with a slight attitude tone. "Just a thought." He shrugged.

"Christian, you know."

Christian leaned down and kissed my lips tenderly to shut me up.

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