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Mitchel's POV

This morning I'm going back home. Staying at Jordan's was nice but I'm excited to get back to my own room. I missed Christian and Clinton. I would never tell him. That's gross missing your brother but here I am.

"Hey babe I'm about to head out," I said to Jordan as she was washing her face in the bathroom. She finished up and ran into my arms and gave me a passionate kiss.

"Bye baby. I'll see you soon."

Yeah you definitely will be seeing me soon. Jordan is the clingy type not gonna lie. She has to be in the loop for everything. And I mean everything. Sometimes I have to skip out on hanging out with the boys because she wants to be with me. The boys don't want to hangout with her all the time and I really understand that. It was lovely outside this morning. The sun was starting to come out and the birds were singing. I felt good this morning. As well as feeling good to finally see Christian after a few days of being away. Once I arrived to the house, I opened the door to see this guy that I've never seen wearing Christian's sweatpants and no shirt. Whomst is he? A stranger I've never seen in my life is in my kitchen wearing my bestfriend's sweatpants. A very cute stranger may I add. He had short brown hair and was on the more muscular side.

"Christian, who is that guy in our kitchen? I've never seen him before," I ask Christian after I barged in. He was laying in his bed without a shirt.

"Well good morning to you," Christian said in his raspy morning voice that was lowkey sexy but that's beside the point. "He's a-," Christian couldn't get his sentence out before he was interrupted.

"Oh good you're awake. I brought you some water," Chad said to Christian as he handed him the water. He climbed into bed right alongside Christian. Chad also gave Christian a quick kiss on the cheek.

What the fuck is going on here? I swear you could see my soul leave my body. I've never been jealous of who Christian has been with but they've all been girls. Christian started talking and I couldn't hear one word he said before I cut him off. I had to get out of there. When I thought of coming home this wasn't what I expected to see.

"Mitchel this is-."

"I gotta go," I said and quickly left Christian's room and went to my own. I'm not sure what to do or think right now. Clinton didn't even give me a warning or nothing. God damnit.

"Clinton wake the fuck up," I angrily whispered to Clinton who was still in bed.

"What the fuck do you want? I'm sleeping here."

"It's not a good welcome home. Why didn't you tell me Christian's date was with a guy? It would have been nice to know that information before I came home to some shirtless guy in our kitchen. Wearing Christian sweatpants."

"Oh shit he spent the night? Damn get it Kra- Uhh nevermind I'm sorry. Honestly it wasn't my thing to share. And you're acting crazy." I swear I could smack Clinton right now but it was way too early. "Listen what did you expect Kras to do? Sit around and wait until you made up your mind? Nah that's wack."

Damn get it.

"I mean I don't. Wwwait Christian just texted me and said He's gone now. We need to talk."

"Good luck, Mitty."

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