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Christian's POV

I told Chad it's best to just leave now. I needed to check on Mitchel. Chad will just have to properly meet everyone on a different day. Mitchel's reaction wasn't what I expected. Or I don't even know what I expected. I knew I wanted to get a reaction out of him but I'm kinda regretting it now. This is too hard. Mitchel read my text 2 minutes ago and hasn't said anything. Nevermind spoke to soon because he just came into my room. He looks mildly annoyed and frustrated but in a non-sexual way.

"Hey, how was being at Jordan's? You were gone for a couple of days." I tried to start some small talk but it wasn't working. I knew it was a mistake to have Chad stay the morning Mitchel was coming home. I wanted to make him feel the way I felt. Sounds horrible saying it out loud. Mitchel shook his head and sighed in disbelief. I guess you could say I accomplished just that.

"Who the fuck is he?"

"He's just a friend." Actually I bottomed for him.

"Bullshit he's a friend. Don't lie." Mitchel was getting more annoyed by the second. "You don't have a friend that is shirtless and that kisses you on the cheek. Or one that's so comfortable to get up on your bed."

Yeah he's not just a friend. Met him on Instagram of all places.

"No? Friends don't do that? We did and we're just friends,remember." I knew what Mitchel and I had was not the same. It was deeper, a connection that has been there for years.

"That's different and you know it!" Mitchel chokes out in an angry but sad voice. I think I hit a nerve. His body language went a full 180.

"Mitchel, what do you want from me? You have Jordan for fucks sake. Am I not allowed to have someone? It's not fair you get to be with someone and you expect me to be here waiting."

"No of course not. You can go out and fuck girls. I don't care."

"Yeah well what if I want to fuck a guy or even let them fuck me? I thought you knew I was bisexual."

"I didn't know for your information. And I don't want you to - nevermind  I am done with this conversation. You know what just do whatever the fuck you want. Clearly you don't give a shit about me." Mitchel is smoking crack now because I've been about him since day one. He was about to leave before I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Don't you dare turn this around on me. I wasn't the one who even wanted this break! At this point I don't know what to do. Doing nothing and watching you be with Jordan hurts me. And me being with someone hurts you." Seriously how did I get myself into this mess.

"I don't know what to say." Mitchel left my room and this time I let him go. We needed time to think.

later that day

Clinton, Mitchel, and I all had dinner together. It felt nice that it was just us three again. Clinton made vegan pizza and it was delicious. After dinner I took a quick shower and put on some boxers to sleep in. Next thing I knew Mitchel came in wearing one of my old oversized t-shirts. I couldn't help but stare at him.

"I'm sleeping in here and I don't care what you say. I missed my bestfriend."

I didn't protest because I missed him too. He slipped right into my blankets after I made room for him. I like sleeping next to the wall anyways. Mitchel lays down and lifts his shirt up so his butt was exposed. He positioned himself so I had a clear view of him.

"Mitchel what are you doing?" Little shit was teasing me and it was working.

"I'm not doing anything," he says with a slight smirk on his face. Naturally I bring him closer to me so his body was up against mine.

"Mhmm I don't believe you," I whispered into his neck.

Here we go again.

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