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Mitchel's POV

"Why are you even mad for? Am I not allowed to have friends or something?" Christian slightly raised his voice. His irritation going up by the second and I was the cause of it.

"Now you're just putting words in my damn mouth. I didn't say that." Throwing my hands up in the air. Obviously, Christian is allowed to have friends but Chad of all people? It could have been anyone else and I wouldn't have reacted the way I did. Or I would like to think so.

"What are you saying Mitchel? Because quite frankly, I'm confused on why we're even having this conversation right now." Christian left Chad in the living room where they were playing video games. I knew he would have to get back to him. It would be rude to stay here any longer talking. When I came home, I walked in on them laughing and having a good time. Fine I'll admit it a sense of jealously waved over me. Lately when I come home it's Christian and I's time together. Just him and I hanging out like old times without anyone else getting in the way.

"You get back to gaming now. We can talk later," I said as I headed back to my room. I wanted to tell him exactly how I felt. How my recovery from my incident hasn't been the easiest and he was the only thing that really helped. And expressing my feelings hasn't been easy for me. But I do know that I feel comfortable to be myself when I'm around Christian. How am I supposed to tell him that? We have been back-and-forth for so long that I don't want to continue to confuse his feelings and my own. I reached out to Clinton for advice.

text messages between Clant🕷& Mitty🐀

Mitty 🐀
I need advice....
about Christian

ofc you do

Mitty 🐀
okay back up tho

just tell me what you want

Idk if I should tell kras
why I got weird about Chad

just tell him
he's not going to judge

you're rlly not helping

just be honest w him
these games y'all play
are lame

man shut up
I'm going to tell him

ur welcome


I decided whenever I see him next, I'm going to tell him how I was feeling.

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