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Christian's POV

Today is the day I'm hanging out with Chad. I know I only "met" him on Instagram a day or two ago but I'm excited for today. As well as nervous. I'm finally getting out of the house for a night. It should be fun. We plan on going to a bar because it's less formal. What I'm most excited for is after the movies we're going to smoke a bowl before heading back to my home. Hooking up high has always been a good time to me. I met Chad in Downtown LA around 730 pm. He was wearing a white shirt and a jean jacket with black skinny jeans. His outfit was really cute. We went out to a bar and got a couple of drinks along with the food siders that was offered to us. We had a great time. But I'll just skip all the first date bullshit and get to the real party which is when we got back home after the date.

Before we headed inside, we parked outside my house to light up the blunts. I rolled them this morning in preparation for tonight. We stumbled inside the house where Clinton was passed out on the couch watching tv. I put my hand up to Chad's lips to shush him. We definitely don't want to wake Clinton up. I led us to my room and sat down on my bed.

"So where's your other roommate at? I thought I'd meet him," Chad asked about Mitchel as he sat down next to me. I really don't want to talk about him. And I'm high and drunk so I'm feeling frisky.

"You wanna talk about that or make out with me?," I barely got that last part out before he pressed his lips onto mine. He had soft lips that tasted like moscow mule and marijuana. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and asked for entrance. I accepted and returned the favor. I let him take control as he slid my shirt off over my head. I returned the favor by sliding my hands across his ribs so his shirt came off. Tonight I decided I would be submissive.

"Am I going to fast? I can stop," Chad says as he breaks away from my lips. I'm just admiring his body above mine.

"No don't stop, please. I need this more than you want to know," I said grabbing his face and bringing it back down to my lips. The kisses got more intense and he was kissing down my neck that sent shivers down my spine. I can't tell if it's the drugs or what but I feel electric right now.

"How bad do you need it? I wanna hear you say my name," Chad breathlessly says in between kisses on my neck.

"Chad, really fucking bad. Can you hurry it up already? I'm getting impatient," I slurred out as he was moving slower and lower down my body. He reached the brim of my boxers and quickly slid them off. I felt vulnerable but safe in that moment. Without warning he slid his entire length in me.

"Fuck no warning?," I gasped out. Chad just gave me this smirk and continued on. I believe we went like 3 rounds. Shit was crazy.

"Damn that was incredible."

"Should I go home now? You should text me in the morning."

"No, you should stay the night. There's someone I want you to meet."

"Let me guess your other roommate?," Chad asks as he gave me one more quick kiss.

Something like that.

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