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Christian's POV

It's 8:30 pm and Chad just left from us hanging out. To be honest, it wasn't awkward like I thought it would have been. Now I need to go find Mitchel and talk to him about his reaction to Chad being over at the house. I have this feeling he wanted to tell me something else but he backtracked. I was determined to find out what it was that he didn't tell me. Mitchel usually tells me when something is wrong or upsetting up him so not telling me meant he was second guessing himself. I just need to find him.

On my way down the hall, I bumped into Clinton. "Oh hey man. Have you seen Mitty? Is he still here?" I asked with my eyebrows raised slightly.

"Uh yeah I'm pretty sure he's in his room. Why what's going on?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Was I wrong for being friends with Chad? I honestly don't think I was but maybe I was. Especially with how Mitchel reacted."

Clinton nodded and took in my words. "I mean Mitchel really has no reason to feel some type of way about who you're friends with. Just go talk to him. Good luck man."
He patted my on my shoulder and walked off. Clinton was usually helpful when asking for advice but he was not at all this time.

I kept heading down the hall towards Mitchel's room. I reached the door and knocked while opening the door, Mitchel was sitting down on his bed with his laptop open. He looked up at me and I couldn't help but smile at him. We held eye contact for what seemed like a long time before Mitchel broke it. I sat down in his desk chair which was a few inches away from his bed.

I broke the silence, "Do you have time to talk?" He nodded so I continued to talk. "I have this feeling you weren't telling me the whole truth when we had our conversation in the hallway earlier. I want you to know that you can always be honest with me. What's going on?"

Mitchel sighed and took a deep breath before going on to explain. "You're the only one that has been treating me like I didn't almost fucking die. I don't want anyone's pity and you don't give it to me. Thank you. And the way I reacted with Chad, it was unnecessary."

"Where did that come from? Not like you really need to know but nothing is going on." It's the truth nothing was happening. I just wanted another friend to hangout with when Clinton and Mitchel were too busy. In reality, most of my friends were back in Australia. Los Angeles was full of fake people.

Mitchel bit his lip before speaking. "I just thought maybe you were going to get back together. I'm sorry okay? I don't want you to be with him." Oh so he was jealous. He whispered that last part thinking I wouldn't hear him.

"And I don't want you with Jordan but look where we are." I said that more harshly than I intended it to be. "I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Where do we go from here? I still feel stuck in limbo right now."

"Do we have to make sense of everything all the time. Maybe we can just live in the moment for once. Just you and me." He moved closer to me with each word he spoke.

Next thing I know his lips were on mine.

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