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Mitchel's POV

I called Jordan and she was more than happy to come to the coffee shop with us. I knew she would be. Christian and I drove to the coffee shop together because a parking spot would have been a bitch to find. The car ride was silent most of the ride until Christian broke the silence. Thank god he did. It was becoming too weird.

"What are you going to order? I don't even like coffee that much so I have no idea." He looked over at me but I already was staring at me. Christian gave me a slight smirk before turning back to the road. Should a slight smirk make my stomach turn? I don't get that feeling often with Jordan.

"To be honest, I will probably do just get a breakfast sandwich. Why did we even pick a coffee shop? Oh yeah that's right your boyfriend Chad did," I said with more attitude than intended. Christian shook his head and let out a sigh.

"We just hooked up. He's not my boyfriend. Well yet anyway." Christian said with no hesitation in his voice. And for some reason it hurt to hear him say that. Chad could potentially be his boyfriend. I didn't want him to date anyone.

We arrived to the coffee shop and went inside to see Chad sat at a table for four people. Christian goes to sit next to him and I sit across from Christian. My phone vibrates so I check my messages.

new iMessage from Jordan💘

hey I'm like 5 mins away

ok we just sat down

can you order me a chai tea latte


thanks baby

read  2 minutes ago

I get up from my chair and order Jordan's drink. Perfect timing that Jordan walked in as her name was called. She walked up towards me and I linked our hands together. When we got to the table Chad pulled Christian in for a kiss. I swear he did it on purpose. Or maybe he didn't. I probably should give this guy a chance but I really don't want to. He's coming in between what Christian and I have or better yet don't have.

"Ahem. Are we interrupting?," Jordan asked as she cleared her throat. Christian pulls away slightly embarrassed.

"No not all," Chad responded with a smile. "Hi I'm Chad, Christian's friend."

"Hi I'm Jordan, Mitchel's girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you," Chad responded with a soft smile. The rest of the conversation went well. Chad was a little too touchy with Christian.

We talked for about an hour and all decided we should go out later. Hit the clubs or whatever. Brunch was good and surprisingly we had some good conversations with one another. I hate to admit that but it's true. Chad left back to his house. Christian went back to our house. Jordan and I went to hers to get an outfit for her to wear. Chad came back to the house and we all pregamed before heading out.

"The Uber is outside," Christian yelled through the hallway. "We probably should get going."

"Let the night begin. And lord help us all or just me," Clinton said half joking. "This is going to be a long night and I can't wait to find a nice lady friend at the club."

I knew exactly what Clinton meant by saying this is going to be a long night. The night could go one of two ways : 1)really well or 2)be a complete disaster.

I'm honestly not looking forward to it.

always ending the night togetherWhere stories live. Discover now