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Christian's POV

Clinton invited me to go to the beach with him today. Los Angeles weather has been great the past couple days. I'm thankful for Clinton getting me out of the house. We haven't hung out where it was just us two recently. Mitchel is my best friend but Clinton is equally my best friend. I can tell him things that I wouldn't dare tell Mitchel. And it's not about my feelings towards him because he's very much aware of them already.

text messages between Clant🤩 and Kras🏀

hey bro you ready to go?

yeah man give me five minutes

I packed our food
so meet me in the car

Kras 🏀
alright cool

I gathered my things and was about to head out but ran into Mitchel and Jordan leaving his room. Sneaking by wasn't even an option because Mitchel noticed me right away. I put on this indifferent look on my face to not show how slightly sad I was to see them.

"Hey Kras. Where you going?," Mitchel asked. He was trying to read my face but wasn't getting anything.

"Clinton and I are going to the beach today. He said we haven't hung out in awhile so he invited me. We will be back though. See you later." I rushed out of the house because I couldn't stand being there. Jordan didn't deserve this hostility but it was a habit because she's with the guy I wanted.

Kiss me. Those two words kept floating around in my mind 2 days later. I won't lie kissing Mitchel felt good. I missed him and he clearly missed me. But why did he ask for that? The warmth his soft lips gave me was comforting. Mitchel and I didn't let the kiss make things become awkward between us. We went back to the studio so we have focused on the music. Not to brag but we have some great music coming, we are constantly writing and producing.

This kid will be the death of me. My feelings are all over the place right now. The kiss was a mistake but I'm still glad it happened. The butterflies in my stomach turn every time I think back to what Mitchel and I had. The way my name sounded and tasted on his lips was a different kind of feeling. Let's just say if he asked for more I'm not sure I would say no to him. I just might be going to hell for that but it's fine. Your heart wants what it wants and if someone gets hurt in the process than that's fine; even if you end up being the one hurt. My phone buzzed which pulled me out from my thoughts.

have a fun day
i'll miss you

don't do that

what do you mean?

you can't miss me
when she's next to you

doesn't change anything
imma still miss you
don't miss me too much

read 11:30 am

thechristiananthony's instagram story

thechristiananthony's instagram story

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oh wow looks gorgeous

yeah it was

hey can I ask you a question?

yeah go ahead

can we be friends?
just chill w each other?

sure I don't see why not

cool I'll hit you later then


I know you're probably wondering why I agreed to being friends with him. I don't see any harm having a friendship with someone that you've been with. We didn't end on a bad note so I thought it wouldn't hurt being friends.

Man, I've never been so wrong.

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