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Christian's POV

Clinton and I stopped at a grocery store to get popcorn and some other snacks for our movie night. We invited Jesse and Pat but they had something else to do tonight. I'm looking forward to a chill night in with my best friends. I've known the Cave brothers for so long that I can't imagine them not being in my life ever. Them and I are forever linked together because .. well because I said so. More so Mitchel because wow does he have the kindest heart. He's always been so sweet and shy with me ever since we met. It's like he only shows his submissive personality around me and it is the cutest thing. That's how I know I will win this teasing battle because he loves my attention. He squirms when my antics get too intense. Mitchel will be the first to beg for my affection. I got it like that what can I say. I'll admit that was a little too conceited. Just watch when Mitchel cracks under pressure just know I told you so.

2 hours later

"Sorry guys Jesse asked me to meet them for drinks. He was begging me and I couldn't say no," Clinton said with a slight smirk before he walked out the door. Man he ain't slick at all. He did that on purpose and I know because he didn't have plans 2 hours ago. Why did he change his mind? He just ditched us like that. Now Mitchel and I have the house to ourselves for our movie night.

Hmm so many different ways this night could go. And no I'm not having sex with him because that brunette still lingering around for whatever reason. I don't know why he's still holding on to her. On top of that she's been acting weird lately like real weird. Nope, I'm not ruining this movie night by these negative thoughts and that thot. Mitchel is still in his room doing his nighttime routine while I'm getting the snacks in bowls and getting the drinks. I got into my gray sweats and a burgundy t-shirt so I was as comfortable as I can be. We decided on watching Lord of the Rings. Mitchel hasn't seen it all the way through yet. The movies are really good, I finally watched them all a couple months ago. It's a great series.

"Mitchel Cave , c'mon what could you possibly be still doing? Let's get this movie started," I spoke down the hall so he could hear me. Soon enough he comes down smelling good as fuck. He put some lotion on or something that smelt heavenly. I was in a daze for a split second before he brought me out with a small cough. Mitchel is so beautiful and takes my breath away on the real. We grab the snacks and sit on opposite sides of the couch. The space between us was much bigger due to Clinton not being there. Now let's see who wins this hands off game.

We're about 20 minutes into the show and Mitchel has reached for snacks on all fours multiple times. He does this with a slight arch in his back, I can only smirk at his antics from my peripheral vision. I must admit he's got a pretty nice arch. Mitchel is the only one that has tried any teasing mechanisms so far. Don't worry I got a plan up my sleeves.

"Is it hot in here? Maybe it's just me" I asked Mitchel while grabbing the ends of my shirt. His eyes glance over my hands, he gulps.

"N-no I-I feel cold in here. You don't feel cold? I can get you a b-blanket." I got that boy stuttering and I haven't even done anything yet. This is way too easy. I slowly raise my shirt above my head and toss it beside me on the couch. I catch Mitchel's eyes focused on my body.

I clear my throat, "You alright there? You're looking pretty hard over here." I can't help but just smirk at him because I'm getting under his skin. As I spoke, I laid back and tilted my head up to stretch my neck so the veins were visible. Mitchel goes back to watching the movie and tries to pretend he doesn't notice my actions. I start rubbing my stomach slowly and letting out breaths. You could say my breaths were coming out sexually, that was on purpose.

"You're dragging it now," Mitchel says and makes his way to where I'm sitting on the couch. He removed my hands and positions himself on my lap. "You win, now kiss me please."

Before I could Mitchel crashes his lips on mine and deepens the kiss immediately. He tries to dominant the kiss and I let him for a bit. I suck on his bottom lip for a few seconds before releasing it. Next I'm sucking on his tongue and making it dance with my own. He's moving his hips by now and it's taking everything in me to not bend him over right here. My conscience won't let me though. I want him to be completely single before we do anything else. I finally pull away and break our make out session. He whines in response.

"C'mon let's finish this movie. We can cuddle." I say as I reposition myself to lay horizontally. Mitchel doesn't say anything and lays his head down on my chest. I always win.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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