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3rd Person POV

Mitchel took a chance when he decided to kiss Christian. He didn't know how his best friend was going to react. Lucky for him, his plan went exactly the way he wanted it to go. Mitchel wanted to be intimate with Christian again and that's exactly what he got.

Mitchel was first to break away from the kiss. His eyes fluttered open to see a slightly red Christian.

"Why did you kiss me?" Christian spoke barely above a whisper. Christian didn't not like the kiss but was taken back by the action.

"I missed your soft lips. Now c'mere," Mitchel moved farther onto his bed and waited for Christian. He made his way towards the brunette on the bed and their lips found each other's again. Mitchel tugged on the ends of the blonde's shirt signaling for him to take it off. Christian sat up which disconnected their lips and he could have sworn a small whine come from Mitchel's lips. A smirk plastered on Christian's face. He's so needy the blonde thought.

"Mhmm what do you want? I got you whining and shit,"Christian said with his lips ghosting Mitchel's. Christian knew what he wanted but was waiting for Mitchel to say it for himself.

"I want you to do some- ahhh." Mitchel got cut off when Christian started sucking on his neck, finding his sweet spot immediately. Mitchel's hands found Christian's pant zipper and unzipped them.

"Take these off."

"Nah, baby I'm not fucking you. I'll give you head though."


"F-fuckkk Christiaaaan keep going." Mitchel was close to his climax but Christian was talking about some hold it bullshit. Mitchel's insides were tightening due to him wanting to release.

"Cum for me, Mitty. Oh shit damn you good? Hah." Christian was just watching Mitchel's legs shake and come down from his high. Christian was on hard but he was going to handle it himself.

Mitchel's lips pulled him out of his thoughts. He immediately kissed him back, deepening and taking complete control. These two could kiss all day. Their lips fit perfectly. A feeling they don't experience with anyone else.

Mitchel was going to take care of Christian but he got turned down. The brunette was disappointed but didn't want to show it. He wanted to on or under Christian some more. The feeling of his touch was a relaxing feeling. He doesn't get this feeling when he's with Jordan.

"Why didn't you fuck me? I wanna," Mitchel asked. He was still horny and Christian was looking way too good.

"You still got that bitch, right?" Mitchel slightly nodded. "Oh okay then."

Mitchel just sighed.


I swear I'm going to finish these books. I dragged them out for way too long. Also just want to be done with them. I have this concept for another book that I can't wait to start but need to finish these ones first.

thanks for reading It's Not Us & always ending the night together🤍 pls vote and comment!

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