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Mitchel's POV

I sure am still with Jordan. I can't find myself to let her go even though I'm constantly thinking about my blonde best friend. It's been two weeks since Christian and I hooked up. I've tried getting him to be with me again in that setting but he's adamant about his decision to not be intimate while Jordan is in the picture. If you ask me he's being annoying like fuck me already. He also been kicking me out of his room when I tried sneaking in there a few times. I tried again two nights ago.

It was a Wednesday night after I'd been out drinking with Jordan and her friends. By the time I got an Uber home, I was buzzed. You know the buzz where you're not sober but not yet drunk. You're like in an in between stage. Blackout drunk is not fun at all and thankfully I know how to control myself. Anyways, I got home at 12am and the front part of the house was quiet. I thought it was perfect to try and sneak into Christian's room while he was passed out asleep. I was definitely wrong. He was up watching Friends and scrolling through his social media accounts.

"Nuh huh, what do you want? You've been drinking. I ain't doing this tonight Mitchel." Christian was shirtless and looked so comfortable. I just wanted to snuggle into him.

"Cmonnnn why? I just wanna sleep baby" I whined out. I didn't even care with the way I was sounding at the moment because I was exhausted. Did I mention I was buzzed too like my head is starting to hurt so why wouldn't I want to be held. "I won't try anything.. just sleep."

"We both know "just sleep" isn't just sleep when it comes to us. I'm sorry but I told you what it was and it's been your choice. Your choice if there will be us or not."

"You're so mean and difficult." I huffed out because it's true.

"I love you but you gotta leave." Once he finished, he turned over and pretended to sleep. I knew that was the end of that and I walked out back to my room.

I know it's mostly on me because I am the one in a relationship. Stringing her along isn't right I know that but. Actually there is no excuse. I need to let that girl go. My best friend isn't going to wait forever and I'm not going to watch him find someone else. It would hurt me more than anything. I'm selfish when it comes to Christian. He knows that and he should be getting all of me. At least I want him too. I haven't seen or talked to him all day.

text messages between Kras🦥 and Mitty🐒

wya? sexy

hah haa I'm out rn
whatchu want?

why you gotta be mean
I miss seeing your face

I do not. I'll be back @ 7
let's watch a movie🍿
with Clinton obviously
can't have you trying do sumthin

I can control myself
you on the other hand😶

nah baby you like to cuddle

just watch


Damnit. He's going to be slick which means I have to one up him at his own game. Everything I said was a lie because I did try to sneak in his bed a couple few times. Christian usually wins everytime which means I need to pull my A game tonight. See how he can handle not touching on me. Usually when we watch movies we cuddle but that can't happen now. I will just have to tease him and sit away from him. My mind was trying to convince me that I can handle doing that task but truthfully I didn't know if I could. Christian is so warm and I felt safe in his arms so I just might crack under pressure.


Would you be upset if I made this book only 35 chapters? I'll make the last chapter super long. It's just I really need this one to be over with. Let me know so I can take it into consideration.

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