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Christian's POV

Brunch went surprisingly well and Mitchel wasn't rude or anything towards Chad. We all agreed to go to the club tonight. I don't know how we got to that point but we did. Thank god Clinton agreed to come with us after I texted him.

new iMessage from Clant🤩

hey bro

I need you to do me affair

what is it?

Come to the club tonight
We are going out

Fuck that

Brooo I need you
I can't be with Jordan and Mitchel along
Chad is coming but still

ffs I will but you owe me

oh fr?!


Kras 🏀
thanks man


Chad came over to the house about an hour ago. So we all headed to the club together. Once we got there we all took shots of tequila. Chad was wearing a burgundy shirt with black skinny jeans. His hair was slightly curled. I thought he looked really hot if I'm being honest. Chad caught me checking him out and gave me a slight smirk.

"You like what you see? You're staring." As he said that Mitchel appeared on the other side of me. I could feel him waiting for my response.

"Obviously," I chuckled as I leaned over and quickly kissed him on the cheek. Teasing Mitchel with Chad was way too easy and fun. He gets jealous and I know it. I want Mitchel but he doesn't want to give in to me right now. Chad can be used to make him crawl back to me. Sorry in advance Chad. I just might have to break your heart.

Mitchel tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, "Bathroom in 2 minutes. And I mean it." The way he said it sent goosebumps down my spine. He was trying to be assertive. I thought it was quite frankly hilarious. He knows who the boss is, me. I'll give him the satisfaction for now though. I met him in the bathroom.

"Mitty,you in here?" I ask softly walking past stalls. A pair of arms pulled me inside one stall. Those arms belonged to the one and only Mitchel. He locked the door behind him and looked me in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes that I loved. I could get lost in them for days on end. He's absolutely fucking gorgeous.

"Jesus, what's up with you? I -," I couldn't even finish my sentence. Mitchel crashed his lips onto mine roughly. I returned the same aggression as I sucked on his bottom lip. He let out a few small whimpers that I loved hearing. We were heavily making out now. I was first to pull away to see a very red and flustered Mitchel Cave.

"I uhh I'm sorry for that. I don't know what came over me." He could tell I wasn't buying what he was saying. I don't think he did either. "Alright alright I was jealous of Chad. I wanted to feel you on me again. You can hate me for it but I want even more of you."

"Jordan and Chad are probably looking for us right now." I wasn't sure if I should take his words seriously or not. We have been drinking.

"I'm coming home alone tonight." He pecked my cheek before walking towards the door. "I just really hope you come home without Chad."

Mitchel left me in the stall. I could feel my body heat up at the thought of being with him.

+++ —>time jump

I ended up going home alone. Making my presence known that I'm in my room.

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