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Mitchel's POV

I don't believe you.

Christian whispered into my neck which sent little shocks down throughout my entire body. I turn so I'm facing him and quickly attach our lips together. He tried pulling away but couldn't as I bit down on his lower lip. I could tell he was surprised because he made an ahhh sound. He finally gave into me and starting kissing me back. I deepened the kiss by exploring his mouth with my tongue.

"Mitchel what are you-."

"No just shut the fuck up," I whispered out as I climbed on top of him. He wasn't doing anything so I grabbed his hands to place them on my butt as a way to show him what I wanted. Christian received the message that I needed this and I was going to get it one way or another.

His hands moving up and down my butt. I kissed down to his jawline to his neck. Sucking on his skin was electric to me. Hearing his little gasps of air and little moans turned me on even more. Christian pulled at my shirt so I could lift my arms up for him to take it off. He flipped us over so he was top.

"Can you fuck me now?" I pleaded with my legs wrapped around his torso. Christian pulled my boxers as well as his own off. He positioned himself and put his tip inside me slowly. I was over the teasing so I pushed him all the way inside me. His strokes started off slow but got faster and slowed again. He knows what he's doing and does it well. We flipped again so I was on top riding him. I could feel he was close so I hopped off him.

"Open your mouth," Christian said sternly and with no hesitation I took his dick in my mouth. His load immediately hitting my throat. I swallowed the warm liquid while looking up at Christian the whole time. His eyes full of lust. Was it lust or love? Both?

"God you're perfect, Mitchel."

"I know baby."

"Come on me," he said breathlessly. He knew I was close. Christian told me to explode on him so I did and licked his stomach all clean. He loved every minute of it. You can tell in someone's eyes when they do. After, Christian cupped my face to bring me in for a very passionate kiss. We both could taste each other on our lips.

"Here take this back." Christian handing me my shirt back. I didn't bother getting my boxers because I didn't want them on. Christian said fuck clothes all together and I didn't mind. We got situated and I cuddled into him just like before. I was enjoying the silence between us two. Then Christian just had to ask the question I didn't want to hear nor think about at the moment.

"So what about Jordan and Chad?"

"I don't know. Let's just sleep okay? Figure it out in the morning," I said as Christian wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and I gave him a quick kiss. Closing my eyes but my brain was telling me that these arms held someone else the night before. I couldn't shut it off. I want to be the only one that Christian gets to hold. I'm sure he wants me to be the only one as well. Jordan is amazing in many ways but the feeling I have around Christian is different. The break hasn't even been a week and already falling into bad habits again.

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