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Christian's POV

My notifications on my phone was going off and I had to reach over Mitchel to grab it. I held my phone above my face to see who was texting me. Mitchel opened his eyes and I knew he saw Chad's name. Mitchel rolled his eyes and made an ummph sound. It was way too early for this so I leaned over him again to set my phone down. As I was doing so Mitchel wrapped his arms around me. He's such a clingy person in the morning.

"Don't you dare try to leave right now," he mumbled tiredly into my chest. I laid back down and Mitchel followed my every move so now he was laying on top of me.

"Chill. I'm not trying to go anywhere. Except I will have to get up soon to clean up and shower." As I was speaking Mitchel started giving me little kisses on my chest. Eventually he worked his way up to my neck. Swirling his tongue on my sensitive skin and grabbing a big chunk with his teeth. It was driving me crazy.

"Or you can stay in bed with me all day. I know you wannnnnt too." He attached our lips together and I immediately kissed him back. It was a lingering kiss that was just sweet and intimate until I pulled away. Ruining the moment by bringing up that fact we need to talk about Jordan and Chad. Mitchel sighed and slid off of me very annoyed. I tried grabbing him to bring his body closer to mine. He didn't like that and pushed my arm away.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of have said anything or even yet let you sleep in my room last night." I regretted those last words immediately after they left my mouth. Mitchel whips his head around to face me.

"Do you regret last night? You could have said no during any round last night. What the fuck?"

"No ahh no. You're not understanding me."

"I think I do understand, very clearly. It was a mistake in your eyes and you know what is was in mine too."

Mitchel stormed out of my room and I assume went to his own. Fuck. Why is our relationship so complicated. We both are under each other's skins mentally and physically. I got out of my bed and took a shower. I tried washing off my guilt that was from me sleeping with two different guys in under 24 hours. Mitchel isn't just a guy, he's my bestfriend who I love deeply. I can't do anything about it. Once I was done in the shower I checked my messages from Chad.

chadmichaels messaged you on instagram

good mornin
how are you feeling?
you're probably still asleep
message me when you wake up

good morning
feeling good after my shower

good to hear that
wanna grab a coffee?
you can invite Mitchel

sure ya let me ask
Insomnia coffee in 15?

sounds good xo

Fucking hell. I know it's pointless to even ask Mitchel but I went to his room anyways. I knocked twice and there was no answer. Instead of waiting for him to answer I walked in.

"Chad invited us to go get a coffee, do you want to come? You don't have to though." Mitchel looked disgusted that I even asked him. "Seriously you don't have to."

"No no I'll go but I'm inviting Jordan. She is my girlfriend after all."

"Cmon is that necessary?"

"Yes it is."

I feel he has something up his sleeve.

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