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Mitchel's POV

Jordan and I have grown so much closer these past couple of days. I've been staying at her place to give Christian space. He was avoiding me as much as he could. Every time I would enter the same room as him he made an excuse to leave. I couldn't take it anymore. Everything in me wanted to sneak off into his room at 1 am like I used to every night. I missed his touch, his kisses, his warmth, him. Questioning why I chose to break things off has been constantly going through my brain. I miss Christian.

"Hey babe, what do you want for lunch?" Jordan asked me. I'm sitting on the couch watching Naked and Afraid. I turn my head to look at her she's wearing my shirt with her purple laced underwear.

"Are you on the menu? Because I want one of you."

"Babe that was corny as hell."

"I'm sorry. We should have avocado toast for lunch." I only said that because Jordan loves avocado toast.

corny as hell

Christian would have laughed. He's always corny. He always laughs at my dumb comments. Did I mention that I missed him? I miss him so much that I decided to ask Clinton how he was doing.

text messages between Mitty🐀 and Clant🕷

hey bro

wassup bro?

I miss Christian
how's he doing?

You want the truth or want me to lie?

the truth
I think

Alright you asked for it
he's going on a date tonight

a date? he can't be dating

uhh why not?
You got a whole gf bro
you always seem to forget that huh?

I know I have a gf but idk
Christian moving on is upsetting
I can't explain it

I understand what you're saying
Mitchel I love you
but you can't have both
you just can't

I get it

I gotta go help Kras
he seems nervous🥺


Christian is going on a date. Let that sink in for a second Mitchel. You shouldn't feel any type of way towards it since you have a girlfriend. Who cares if Christian has a girlfriend too? It's no big deal. You can even go on double dates and actually hangout with each other again. Maybe Christian dating isn't a bad thing after all. At least I thought so until what I didn't expect to happen .. happened.

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