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Christian's POV

Mitchel came to my room unexpectedly and laid down next to me. I don't know how it happened but as I was turning to face him, he had his lips on mine. Naturally, I kiss him back and I felt a smile creep on his face. I've mentioned this countless times but he's so cute.

"Why did you do that, Mitchel? You're not supposed to be here," I said looking into his eyes trying to read his face. All I see is confusion and mixed emotions. I can't be mad about it. My feelings are all fucked too.

"You were upset and I had to check up on you. I know I could have done that without kissing you."

"You think? Mitchel I don't want to have a break. I enjoy what we have whatever it may be. You do want a break and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Christian ..."

"I umm no no it is what it is. This kiss only made it hurt more because I want to keep kissing you. However, I know I won't be able to in the morning. Let's just rip the bandaid all the way off here. Please, Mitchel."

Mitchel looked taken back by my words but didn't question me. "If that's what you really want than okay. I'll let you get some space. Bye Christian," Mitchel said not making eye contact with me.

"Bye Mitchel. See ya around. We do live together," I said with a slight chuckle. He's still my bestfriend. Our relationship won't be the same but he nor am I going anywhere.

chadmichaels sent you a message on instagram

what do you like to do with your free time?
I love movies
wanna see a movie?

I like making music
and smoking a soy

don't judge me
what is a soy?

soy is marijuana
do you smoke?

occasionally yea
wanna hang sometime?

I'm free tomorrow
go see a movie, get high
come back to my place

your place?

yeah we don't have to do anything
unless you
I mean I'm not expecting
imma shut up

that sounds perfect


I spent the remainder of my day talking to Chad. I felt giddy with him. I can't tell if it's the energy he gives off or if it's just me rebounding. Whatever it is, I like it. And I won't let Mitchel see me upset anymore.

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