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"Clay, what is wrong with you?" Clay hears his mom yell.

Clay didn't even shut the door before he heard an unfamiliar tone come from his mom. He never got yelled at, let alone for going to George's house.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think you can just up and leave in the middle of the night without saying anything?"

"I mean I've done it before. You and Dad never had a problem with it. I only went to George's house."

"I don't care where you went, Clay. You should never leave this house without telling me or your father."

"Mom, I'm old enough to leave whenever I want. If I want to go see my boyfriend, I should be able to."

"I never said you couldn't. I just need you to tell me or your father before you go!"

"Ok, I'll tell you if I'm going somewhere far. But I might forget to if I'm going to George's."

"Whatever, Clay. Do what you want. I don't care anymore." Clay's mom walks away.

"What the fuck?" Clay mumbles.

Clay goes up to his bedroom and goes onto his PC. He goes onto Minecraft. He's pretty bored since it's still so early in the morning, so he decides to stream. He gets everything set up, then texts George incase he wants to join.

Clay starts with speed running. He resets many times, but he also does a few runs before resetting again. George eventually joins. The boys would flirt a lot, pretending they were joking, although they knew they weren't. The chat was going crazy.

Clay didn't want to speed run anymore, but he didn't want to deal with his mom so he still wanted to stream. He switched to a creative world and started messing around.

The chat knew that Clay and George lived near each other, so the teens told stories from years in the past all the way up to a few months ago.

Most of the stories were from when they were in their rebellious pre-teen years. Clay had been streaming for around five hours, meaning it was already a couple hours after noon.

"Alright chat, I think I'm gonna end stream here. I haven't eaten anything today and I'm getting hungry. Thank you all for coming and thank you for the donos. Say bye, George."

"Bye everyone."

"Alright, bye guys." With that, he ends the stream.

"I ended. I'm gonna go eat now."

"Wait. Do you wanna go to Wendy's with me? I was gonna go earlier but I joined your stream instead."

"Uh, yeah. Sure."

"Ok. Will you be ready if I leave now?"


"Ok, bye."

Clay ends the call and quickly gets ready. He changes into black ripped jeans and a blue t-shirt. He slips on his shoes, then grabs his wallet and phone.

"Hey Dad. I'm going to Wendy's with George. I might go back to his house after or we might come here. Or I might just come back. I'm not sure yet."

"Ok, have fun. I'll tell your mother."

"Thanks, bye."


George pulls up and Clay goes outside. Once Clay is inside and buckled, George drives off.

"My mom yelled at me when I got home."

"Haha, very funny. Your parents don't yell at you."

"I'm not kidding. I wasn't even able to close the door behind me before she just snapped. She started going off about how I left in the middle of the night without telling her and all this shit."

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