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George never forgot the words Clay told him that night. They've stuck with him for the next four years. It's been a little over four years since that night and George has not once let those words slip his mind.

As of this moment, George is four years clean. It took him a couple of weeks to stop, but he did it. Clay could not be more proud of him. It was hard for both of them. Clay wanted to make sure George was safe and ok, and George made it a goal to completely stop self-harming.

They're still together to this day and they are both so in love with each other. Not a single second did one of them reconsider their relationship. George wishes he could be in Clay's arms right now. It's been too long.

It's been a year since they've been together in person. It was an emotional day. They didn't want to leave one another, but they didn't have the choice.

Clay had to go back to college, leaving George in their shared home alone. So when his parents had called him a few months after Clay left and asked if he wanted to take a trip to England with them to visit his grandparents, of course the brunet said yes.

The trip was going to last three weeks, then when George got back home, Clay was going to visit him. He was going to take a weekend to go back home to George and spend it with him.

The plan was good, and as the days led up to George getting ready to go back home, his grandmother got sick. Her condition wasn't bad, so George was going to go back to be with Clay while his parents stayed with his grandma. He is an adult, after all.

So when George had packed for the second time and was waiting for days to come to go back to his boyfriend, he was thrilled. He planned on going to Clay's campus since Clay was unable to go back to Nevada this time.

The day before George's flight, his grandmother was put into a hospital. George called his boyfriend with tears streaming down his face. Not only was he upset that his grandma's condition got worse and was put into the hospital, but he wasn't able to see Clay yet again.

George stayed in England once again to be with his family. It was a hard time, his grandma was dying. Her condition kept falling slowly. At this point, George was in England for six months. He spent Christmas and spring there. It was their first Christmas apart. Clay had gone through and completed his first semester of college and was at the end of his second.

That means that Clay was finishing yet another year of college, and another year of college meant finals. So while George was in a completely different country with his dying grandma, Clay wasn't able to be there for George as much as he wanted to be.

Finals were difficult and tiring. So every minute not spent in class or studying, Clay was sleeping. But the blond had a plan.

His year of college finally ended. So, he was on a plane back home. He was ecstatic. He got home to an empty house, as expected, unpacked his suitcase, and passed out. George didn't know that Clay was back home, and he wasn't going to know.

When Clay woke up, he took a shower and packed his suitcase. He was headed to the airport the hour after. At the airport, Clay couldn't sit still. How could he? He was just hours away from seeing the love of his life.

The time came, and Clay was on the plane. It wasn't as long as he thought since he fell asleep pretty much right away. With half an hour left, Clay texted George's parents. That brings everything to now.

"George, honey?"

"Yeah?" George looks up from his phone.

"We think you should go home."

"I've been here for six months. I'm not leaving now."

"That's not what I meant, I'm sorry. You should go back to grandma's house. You need to clean up, take a shower."

"I don't want to leave her."

"It'll be ok. We can take you home then we'll come back to be with her, ok? She won't be alone."


George got up from his seat and walked over to his grandma. She barely looked alive. She was asleep, so it didn't really serve any purpose for George to be there anyway.

"I'm gonna go home for a little bit, ok? Stay strong for me, I'll be back tomorrow. I'll tell you all about Clay, I've never gotten to and I know you've asked." George smiles at her and walks out with his parents.

"I could've just showered at the hospital, you know."

"No, honey. You deserve to take a long, hot shower. You need to change into some clean clothes anyway."

"I guess you're right."

"How do you feel about dinner when you're done? We can come back to grandma's house and pick you up?"

"That sounds nice. What should I wear?"

"Just some jeans and a nice shirt."


The hospital wasn't too far away from his grandmother's house, so they made it back in about twenty minutes. As soon as George got out of the car, his parents were on their way to the airport to pick up Clay.

George went up to the room he was staying in and grabbed a nice shirt, some jeans, and boxers. He walked to the bathroom and started a hot shower, stepping in when it was heated.

The brunet let the hot water engulf him. It was relaxing, it really was. He let his thoughts disappear as he washed himself. The only thoughts that still lingered were the ones of Clay. He missed his lover dearly.


Half an hour later, George was done with his shower. He knew he was going out with his parents, so he got dressed in his 'dinner clothes'. When he was dressed, he blow-dried his hair. He grabbed his dirty clothes and walked back to his room and put his dirty clothes in the hamper.

He grabbed a pair of socks and pulled them on, followed by his shoes. He got a text from his parents saying they'd be back in about five minutes. That gave George enough time to finish getting ready.

Just as he was coming down the stairs, he heard the front door open and close. He heard a little thud but just thought it was his dad setting his shoes down to change into other ones. He made it to the bottom and rounded the corner to meet his parents.

George froze when he didn't see his parents.

a/n~ next chapter is the last chapter <3

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