Chapter 1

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Sarah's POV:

I woke up some time later. Through the window I could see the moon and knew it was sometime past midnight. The pain was not as bad as usual so I guessed they had given me something for it. I sighed and thought about what would happen now that I was facing death.

I knew I would be leaving a lot behind. I would be leaving Toby. He was my life. My stepmother had gotten better ever since I had come back from the Labyrinth. Something had changed between us. We got along. I never called her mother but we understood each other better. I guess I grew up.

I still shivered whenever my thoughts drifted to Jareth. That wild-haired, egoistical creature was hardly something I wished my thoughts to remain on. But they wouldn't leave. I couldn't help but think about him. Something about him caused me to want to get to know him better. There was something about him that was bewitching. I shook my head and said to myself,

“Of course there is. He is the Goblin King after all. I wonder...” I sighed and thought about what he had offered me. He had offered me a throne at his side. I would have been his queen if I could have born with him.

As I reflected he didn't seem so bad. It was just the way he was. He was actually kind of fun to go up against. And it was kinda my fault that he had taken my brother. I had wished him away and he said that he was bond by words. I had bond him to the taking of Toby. So, it was my fault as much as I didn't want to admit it.

I felt tears start to streak down my cheeks as I realized what I had turned down. I had turned down a world of beauty and difference for norm. What was there about norm that I would love? Then I brought myself back to reality. Jareth would have made Toby a goblin. I couldn't have born with that.

The strange thing was that nine words were ringing in my ears. I couldn't get them to leave. I wanted to say them but I knew by saying them I would only bring trouble upon myself. My mind kept saying, I wish the Goblin King was here, right now. I wanted to say it. I was dying to say it (no pun intended) but I couldn't. Finally my mind took over my common sense and I said,

“I wish the Goblin King was here, right now.” A moment later I saw a puff of glitter and the smirking Goblin King walked toward me. He was dressed as he had been dressed almost every time I had seen him. In other word, his super tight gray tights, puffy white shirt, and leather vest-like-thing. He tilted his head and showed his slightly pointed teeth in another smirk as he said,

“Precious thing, my name is Jareth. Just in case you had forgotten.” I managed to growl out.

“No, I haven't. I simply decided to call you by your title.” He frowned slightly but it quickly returned to a garish smirk.

“Well, at least you haven't forgotten. And, now, what is it with calling on my only to be rude? Tut, tut, that isn't polite, precious.” I glared and lied,
“I don't know why I called you.” I knew very well why I had called him. I had begun to miss him. I had begun to miss the challenges he presented. I didn't care anything about him but I had missed having that smirking, pain-in-the-neck around. He chuckled and sprawled across a chair. As annoying as his choice of sitting style was, I had to admit that it was quite endearing. He wouldn't have looked quite normal if he had tried to sit normally. He smirked again as he said,

“Come now, Precious. I know very well why you have called on me. You missed me.” I glared at him and said,

“How did you know?” He raised his eyebrows and I more clearly saw his mismatched eyes. Those pupils were strange. Though they gave me shivers they were rather pretty. Strange but pretty. He wasn't too bad looking if I thought about it. I mean, the wild hair was an organized mess and his features weren't too bad if he hadn't been always smirking. But that was worse. The smirking was becoming endearing as well.

“Enjoying the subject of study, precious thing?” I blinked and realized I had been staring at him the whole time I had been thinking. I wrinkled my nose and he pretended to look hurt.

“Oh, come now, be realistic. You didn't look that disgusted until I mentioned it.” I opened my mouth to make a retort but he was right. I had been liking what I had seen.

“Fine,” I snapped. “What if you are right?” He laughed and I wanted to scream.

“Well, for once you think I am right. Shall we put it in the history books?” I glared at him again but found my eyes were drifting down to his boots. Okay, so his wardrobe was annoying. It just had to show off everything! There were something I would personally prefer not to know about and well, he didn't seem aware of that.

Suddenly he said,

“You have taken to staring at strange objects. Have I finally become interesting to you?” I didn't bother to glare. My mind was take up with two questions. Why had he offered me my dreams? Why would he want a human girl for a queen? I suddenly said,

“Jareth, why did you chose me? Why would you bother with a human girl?”

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