Chapter 18 - Funeral

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Sarah's POV:

I tightened the bootlaces on my boots before straightening to look at myself. It had been three days since I had received the news of Jareth's death.

I had spent the while of that day in my room and only come out yesterday. I had to rule even if my heart was in pieces. I had to keep myself together for the sake of the kingdom Jareth had left me. I couldn't let myself get sick with grief. I would nurse my broken heart alone.

I straightened the back leather vest I wore over the white undershirt and tugged slightly at my black skirt. I was in morning and my clothes showed it. I threw over my shoulders Jareth's tattered cloak and sighed wearily.

I closed my eyes and teleported myself to the grave site where the funeral was being held. His body had been brought back yesterday and I hadn't looked at it. Everyone parted as I walked through the crowd.

I walked over to the casket and looked down into it. Inside was the man I loved. His eyes were open and something about them struck me as strange. I couldn't place it but something wasn't right about his eyes. Something was missing.

I pushed the thought away and reached down and traced his cold cheek. It was a way of finalizing it all. It was a way of knowing all this wasn't a dream. No, it was real. This had really happened. Many times, I had woken and thought everything would be back to normal and the whole war was just a dream but it never was.

Jareth was dead, I was an immortal queen and it was time to come to terms with that. I drew my hand away and stepped back. I tried to think of what was wrong but something wasn't right. The man in the casket was my husband but he wasn't like I remembered him.

I brushed it away and stood beside him as the ceremony went on. They had told me I was expected to seal the casket with my magic. It would be a way that no one could ever harm the body inside. Once all the rights were done, I carefully closed the casket and traced the edge of the lid with a crystal ball.

When I was done, I threw the crystal ball onto the lid and it melted into the wood. I held back tears as they lowered the man I loved into a grave. I just started at the new grave. Everyone left except for Hoggle, Sir Didymus, and Ludo. They just stood beside me silently. They knew that I needed just a comforting presence. Hoggle took one hand and Sir Didymus the other. I suddenly said,

"I loved him. I loved him." Sir Didymus looked up at me and whispered,

"My lady loved the king?" I nodded and a tear slipped free. It fell to the ground and I watched it vanish. I collapsed to my knees and started to sob. I had to let it all go. They rubbed my back and I just cried until I couldn't cry anymore. Until I had no more tears. Ludo said,

"Sawah hurt?" I nodded and said,

"Yes, Ludo, I am hurting." He carefully laid his hand on my back and said,

"Can Ludo help?" I shook my head.

"It hurts right here, Ludo. I have to deal with it myself. You are a comfort to have around though." I laid my hand over my heart and he nodded slowly.

"Ludo do what he can." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and nodded again. I stood up and pulled a crystal ball from the air. I changed it to a bouquet of flowers and put it on Jareth's grave. "I love you," I whispered as I set the flowers down.

I took a step back and teleported to my room where I flung myself onto the bed. I sobbed some more but this time alone. I screamed and sobbed his name until I had no more strength left. My heart was in pieces on the floor and I could do nothing about picking it up.

The door opened and I looked up to see Maitland standing in the doorway. I looked away from him and quickly dried my tears.

"What do you want, Maitland?" He walked over to me.

"Sarah, I know you have just buried your husband and I can only guess you loved him." I started to say something but he raised a hand. "Don't say anything. I simply want to say that all you have to do is speak the word and I shall give you any one of my other un-married sons. I have five, all handsome and good."

I shook my head and sat down on my bed.

"No, I shall no remarry. I see no reason. I am immortal and therefore the Labyrinth should not need another king or queen for years." He studied me for a moment and said,

"Very well. I shan't push. But, one day you must. Now, I shall leave you. Do you wish me to send for one of your friends?" I shook my head.

"No, I wish to be alone." He nodded and walked out without another word. I laid down on my bed and covered myself up. I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep. I was too tired to stay awake. 

I awoke some hours later. It was night and a sliver of moonlight was shining through my window. I stared at the moon and then it hit me. I knew what the difference had been with Jareth's eyes.

His eyes matched. The enlarged pupil was gone and perfectly normal. I stood up and walked to the window and looked out. I said to myself,

"Why do his eyes match? It makes no sense."

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