Chapter 19 - Old Beggar Woman

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Sarah's POV:

One month had passed since Jareth's funeral. My friends had started to notice something was wrong with me. And something was. I felt sometimes that I was dying inside and could do nothing about it. Jareth was my world and without him I felt cold and alone.

I ruled to the best of my ability but even that proved to be very difficult. I never once told my subjects why I wasn't happy like before. They didn't need to know.

What worried me was that something had been happening. When I spoke with Maitland he could tell me nothing. He only knew that something was very much amiss.

That frightened me. Frightened me very much. What could I do? I had only become Fae three months ago. My magic was strong but I feared it wasn't strong enough.

It was trouble in the north. The trolls has dispersed after the war but there was movement being noted by the Banshees. They felt trouble coming on and they were rarely wrong.

I would trust them with my life if they said something was amiss I knew that something was amiss.

It was late one evening when I couldn't stand the continual ruckus of the goblins. I glared at a few and vanish to Jareth's grave. I had spent some time there but not as much as I would have liked.

I sat down by the grave and thought for a while. I needed some quiet time. I ran my hand over the stone of the tombstone and sighed. For a Fae he had been young. Only a thousand odd years old.

I knew I should be trying to find out what was wrong but I couldn't. I couldn't see past the lump in my throat.

"Oh, Jareth, you had to go and die and leave me alone? Why? Oh, why? And I don't understand was is happening! I am just a human who you made immortal. You could have left me to live my life as a normal person. Now I must face forever alone! Damn you!" I lowered my head into my hands and sobbed.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw an old bent over person walking towards me. I stood up and turned to look at the form.

"You be alright, Deary?" It was a woman's voice and the cloak she was wearing slipped back enough for me to see a little of her face. It was weathered and worn with age. She might have been a goblin but I couldn't tell.

She walked closer and I smiled down at her. She only came to my waist and when she looked up at me, my breath hitched. Her eyes were mismatched. One pupil larger than the other. I made no note of it though. I assume it was a broth defect and didn't mention it. I looked at her and smiled,

"Yes, ma'am." She looked at me and those eyes bored into my soul. She shook her head slowly and said,

"No, Deary, you aren't. I know a suffering girl when I see one. Now what is troubling you?" I sat back on the ground and cover my head with my hands. I didn't know why but I felt I could open up to this beggar. Something about her made me trust her.

"I am the Goblin Queen and the king is dead and I am completely alone. I haven't the slighted clue as to what I am to do or where I am to go. I was a human before this mess and I wish I still was." The woman sat down beside me and took my hand gently in her's. It was wrinkled and worn like the rest of her.

"Deary, not all is lost. You were chosen for this place for a reason. Don't worry, you will get through. Your magic is strong and your will stronger." I didn't bother to ask how this woman knew all that but I wanted was someone to understand. She seemed to.

I smiled faintly at her as I said,

"Thanks. I hope you are right. But I am still scared. Very scared. What shall I do?" She patted my back and whispered,

"You will get through it. You have the strength in you. No need to worry. Now, I should be going and so should you. It is late." The woman stumbled to her feet and started to limp away.

I sprang up and said,

"Wait, what is your name?" The woman stopped and looked back at me.

"Berry. If you ever want to talk to me you know where to find me, Deary." She gave me a lopsided smiled and walked away into the darkness. I watched her leave and smiled. She had put a smile on my face and that wasn't easy.

I waved at where she had last been and teleported to my room. I needed my rest. While I was going to sleep I felt a presence. A kind presence that meant me no harm. I looked around and saw nothing. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Sorry it was kinda short. It was necessary though. By the way, I am going to be using an idea from queenieforever. Sorry, old friend, but I am not telling which one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I full intend to twist it around a bit. Just so you know. Thanks for the idea though!!!!!!!!!!!!


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