Chapter 9 - Black Falcon

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Author's Note:
Sorry, I meant to post yesterday but got sidetracked!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY!!!!! Oh well, here it is!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy and I am more than willing to take any ideas. I can't say I will use them but I am new to this fandom. By the way, there is a real bird called the black falcon. I believe it is native to Australia.



Sarah's POV:

We walked down the hall to the dining room. When we arrived breakfast was already waiting. Jareth pulled out my chair and I sat down. He could be a gentleman when he wanted to be and I kinda liked that side of him.

He took his seat and we started to eat. I was silent for a moment before asking,

“How will we get to the Fae realm?” Jareth laughed and said,

“We shall fly.” I choked on my fried egg and stammered,

“F-fly!” I had no been expecting that. I knew he could change into an owl. A very pretty owl if I said so myself. Sarah, get that thought out of your brain. You don't need to think that. My brain was quick to say. He chuckled and smirked at my expression.

“Yes, precious. We will fly there. You know about my owl form. We shall see what form you take.” My fork hit the plate with a clatter and my jaw dropped. I didn't have a form.

“Jareth, what are you talking about? I don't have a form.” He raised his eyebrows.

“All Fae have a form. I use mine quite a bit while most Fae don't. I would guess you would be something along the lines of a hawk or falcon. We will have to see.” I picked up my fork and started to eat again. This whole business of being a Fae and having forms was making me nervous. I wasn't sure if I liked it at all. I finished my breakfast and pushed it away.

“Well, Jareth, if you insist, I guess we can test my flying.” I stood up and he took my hand. I tried to ignore the sparks that sprang from his touch. Just because he was in love with me didn't mean that I had to fall for him.

He led me upward onto the roof of the castle. He turned to me and said,

“It is easier to do such things somewhere where the person can have some space. Otherwise injuries are in order. Now, are you ready?” I took a deep breath and nodded. I wasn't but hey, I never would be if I was given the time to think about it. Jareth took my other hand in his and suddenly I felt something hit me like a tidal wave.

One moment I was standing on my own two feet and the next I was face down on the stone roof. I picked myself up and went to steady myself with my arms only to see a pair of dark brown almost black wings. I glared at the white owl beside me. I tried to talk but found that we were now cominucating telepathically.

Jareth, is this what my 'form' is? He chuckled and I felt his joy. That was weird. I wondered if he felt my slight annoyance which was quickly turning to childlike glee. The look in his eyes told me he did.

Yes, precious. This is your form. Now, change back to human form. I glared at him and just let him feel my confusion and the annoyance that was returning. I heard his laugh in my head. Just think of your Fae form. I did so and a moment later I was lying on the floor scowled up at the standing Goblin King.

He held out his hand and I took it, pulling myself to my feet.

“Jareth, you could have given me a little bit more warning.” He laughed.

“Now, why would I do that? It is much more fun to surprise you.” I glared again and said,

“Now, how do I change back?” He smirked.

“Think of your bird form.” I thought and was a moment later back on the floor. I would have to get used to this. I looked up at Jareth and a moment later he was in his owl form.

What am I? I asked. He flew around me and looked over every inch of me.

A black falcon. A very nice black falcon if I say so myself. You look quite stunning. I tried to glare at him but I couldn't help but blush. I guess I blushed on the inside but his complement had my heart racing. I felt his smirk and realized he knew exactly what I was thinking.

I snapped at him with my beak and he drew back.

Precious thing, don't get so violent. Now, try to fly. It is very simple. I frowned in concentration as I flapped my new wings. Slowly, I rose into the air. I beat them harder and started to actually fly. While I was trying to concentrate, I saw out of the corner of my eyes Jareth flying around. I ignored him and focused on flying.

Well done, Sarah. You are progressing marvelously. Now, we shall fly back to your room. Follow me. He flew off the roof and around some of the castle towers. I struggled to keep but managed to some extent.

In the end, we flew towards a window and before we crashed into it, the window opened and I careened into the floor. I picked myself up and changed back to my human form. Jareth landed perfectly and was standing there, watching me, as I straightened my skirts.

“Show off.” I muttered. He smirked.

“Always. Now, I shall let you pack. Don't take too much. Just your bare necessities. After all, I have to teleport them all there. I shall return soon, precious.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek before vanishing in a puff of sparkles. I laid my hand on the place where his lips had touched my skin and wondered at the sparks that were there.

I blushed and started to pack. Yes, falling for the Goblin King wasn't in my plans. I would have to be very careful that didn't happen. But I was beginning to wonder what the harm was in it?

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