Chapter 2

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Sarah's POV:

I looked Jareth square in the eye and watched as he drew himself to full height. I had forgotten how tall he was in reality. The man, for being so thin, cut quite a figure. I drew in a breath as he leaned over me.

"Precious thing, use that brain that you used to defeat my labyrinth and tell me why. Tell me why a Goblin King would want a mortal girl." I looked at him and thought for a moment. I wasn't very beautiful. Only a little bit. I couldn't understand what he saw in me.

"Jareth, I don't understand. What is there about me worth having?" He closed his eyes and sighed, exasperated.

"Sarah," He said, rolling the 'r'. "Don't you see? What did the book tell you? What did it tell you about what was going on the Goblin King's heart?" I took a deep breath and tried to remember. One word popped into my head. Love. It said the king had loved the girl. That is why he fought so hard to keep me. That was why he looked so desperate when I was about to beat him. That explained everything. I looked up at him and said,

"You fell in love with me?" He sprawled back into his chair and said,

"Yes, yes, the Goblin King, Fae and Immortal, fell in love with Sarah Williams, human and mortal. That is why I didn't want you to leave. That is why I tried so hard to keep you. But it seems I was destined to fail." He smirked and said, "Then. I failed then. I didn't say anything about now."

I stared at him and said,

"But you have no power over me." He always said that words had power. I had told him he had no power over me. I didn't think he did. He laughed like he always had, that Goblin King laugh.

"Oh, precious, you really think that. Well, once you call on me that is annulled. I never did tell you that part, did I?" I glared at him and scowled.

"You are quite a liar." I didn't know how to get back at him. What could I say? I had given him the power again. This was driving me crazy! He chuckled and said,

"Well, I actually cannot lie. It is what I get for being a Fae. I am simply very good with twisting words." He smirked and I scowled again.

"So, you are, Jareth." He laughed and said,

"I do love to hear my name on your lips." I kept scowling and tried to ignore the fact that he had said he was in love with me. I had managed to not let it affect me but now it was. This glittering creature loved little old me. Just me. I did have one question though.

"What were you going to do with Toby? You knew I would never have forgiven you for changing him into a goblin." He laughed.

"Did I ever say he was going to be a goblin, love? I said that he would be one of us. 'Us' doesn't mean goblins always." I stared at him and said,

"Then what would he have been? Jareth, what else could he be?" Jareth laughed and twirled a lock of his hair around his finger.

"My heir. I intended to use him to get you to stay and I would make him my heir if we didn't have our own." I blushed red when he mentioned children. He spoke calmly and didn't seem to think anything amiss. But I certainly was having trouble with it. He noticed and smirked.

"I guess the idea is a little novel to you?" I frowned and said,

"Why did you tell me?" He laughed and said,

"Well, my love, I didn't see the need to. You would have come after him just as much if you had thought he was going to be my heir. You would have hated it." I sighed. I had to agree. He was right. I wouldn't have liked the idea anymore than if he had been changed into a goblin. I hated to admit that Jareth was right.

He relaxed in the chair and closed his eyes for a moment. I took this opportunity to look him over again. This creature loved me. Correction, this Fae loved me. He wasn't a monster. He was like an elf. I could understand that. He didn't look like any elf I had seen but that didn't mean he wasn't like them. I then thought up a question to ask him.

"Jareth, if I had gone with you, what would I have been?" He opened his eyes and for one moment I got lost in the blue mismatched pools.

"What do you mean, love?" Instead of looking at his eyes, I looked at his mouth. Bad move. My mind kept saying, Kiss him. Kiss him. Those lips look perfect. And now my common sense was starting to say the same thing. I shook my head to clear it. But my mind was right. Those lips were perfect and I would have liked nothing more than to kiss him. 

I quickly responded to his question before my thoughts lingered on the idea for much longer. I didn't love him and never would. I couldn't love him, but my hateful thoughts were lessing towards him. I didn't hate him as much as before.

"Would I have remained human, Jareth? Would I have remained mortal?" He laughed and walked over to him. He ran his gloved hand over my cheek and said,

"No, precious. I couldn't have that. I am immortal and you would have died far too soon for my tastes. No, you would have become immortal. As my wife and queen you would have become like me. A Fae with magic." I felt my heart rate go up, not only at his words but at his touch.

Before I could say a word, he said,

"No more questions, love. I offer you a gift. You are dying. You will be dead a few months if you don't accept. Accept and you will be immortal and a queen." I felt a cold feeling in my stomach and whispered,

"What is it?" I knew what it was but I was wishing that it might not be. He pulled a crystal ball out of the air and said,

"Your dreams. Choose them and you live forever. Turn them down and you die. Your choice, precious." I closed my eyes and warred with myself. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I knew deep down had Toby not been at stake I would have seriously considered Jareth's offer. I was eighteen now. Old enough to marry and start a family. But how could I live with a man who thought of nothing but himself. I couldn't do that could it. Then again, he might change. He said he loved me. He had been waiting for three years. Three years of waiting had to mean something. I opened my eyes. I had made my choice.

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