Chapter 35 - Wedding Night

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I merely want to say that this chapter is exactly what it title implies. A wedding night. It goes all the way and if you are uncomfortable, well, feel free to skip it.

Jareth, Goblin King


Sarah's POV:

I stood in the middle of the room and looked around me. Jareth had said to come here when I was done. It was getting dark and I couldn't see much in the room. I moved to light a candle but froze when I heard some music and a cool voice I quickly recognized began to sing.

I am a creature of the wood,
Forsaken in my solitude.
My song is pleasure and is pain,
My song can drive a man insane.

My heart skipped as I heard the magic flowing through the voice of my husband. I looked around and found darkness cloaked all the walls and I thought I saw some movement in the shadows but I couldn't be sure. Though, I was somewhat confused as well. What was the sexy devil planning?

So come with me, my pipes I'll play,
And we will dance 'till break of day.
I shall be thy lover.

As he sang the last line, his arms wrapped around me and his leather gloved hands ran over my stomach. My eyes fluttered closed and he used this opportunity to pull me closer to him. His warm front was pressed to my back as he began to sing again.

I've been alive since time began,
Not beast, not god, and yet not man.
I am the music and the dance,
I am the piper who enchants.
So loose all ties to mortal kind,
My pipes shall play within thy mind.
I shall be thy lover.

His mouth found my neck and he latched onto it. I full-out moaned as his mouth attacked my neck. I realized what was about to happen. This was to be our wedding night. It was a great relief to me to know I had bathed and shaved yesterday when I had had a chance. He parted long enough to sing.

Come unto me my beauteous maid,
I'll lead thee to the hidden glade.
Thou shalt be happy and be free,
When I play, thou wilt dance for me.

I had a response but the moment his lips found my neck again, I forgot it. He kissed, licked, and nipped around until I almost screamed his name. He smirked against my skin as he knew he had found a weak point. Licking it, he tugged me gently towards the bed, hung with red sheets. Normally, I would be getting scared by now but with his tongue licking my bare neck, I couldn't think.

He turned me so my back was facing the bed and I for the first time saw him. He was dressed in his normal outfit with the addition of that white owl-feather cloak. My eyes ran down his whole form and I forced them not to focus any lower than his waist. A smirk was painted on his face as he saw where my eyes were tempted to drift.

He stepped closer to me and ran his hands down my sides, so softly and gently. My eyes closed and I almost moaned again. He gave my lips a long, drugging kiss and pushed me back until my legs hit the end of the bed. I crawled onto it and he followed me, crawling on top of my body and by that means holding me against the mattress beneath him.

I looked up into his eyes and saw they were several shades darker. Darker and deeper and wilder. His hands moved down my sides and under my back to where the laces to my dress were. A moment later, they came undone and he started to tug the dress off me.

I felt the old twinge of fear appear and he sang softly,

We'll feast on fruit fresh from the vine,
And I will sample the fruit of thine.
I shall be thy lover.

I shivered at the implication but his tone and voice set me at ease. He pulled the dress off of me and tossed it aside. My cheeks turned red and I moved to cover my chest and lower parts. I was a virgin and this made me slightly uncomfortable me. He moved my hands easily and sang in my ear,

Sweet love I'll make for thee alone,
And show thee sights before unknown.

One of his hands came in contact with my bare waist and the other moved across my bare breasts. I arched into his hands and his name fell from my lips with a scream. He squeezed a little more and his hand moved down to my thighs where he trailed them up quite close to my lower regions. I was a moaning screaming mess by then and didn't care what he did to me as long as he helped the fire that was consuming me to get put out or made stronger. I couldn't decide which.

I'll be thy master and thy friend,
For I'm the gold at rainbow's end.
I am the beast within all men,
I am the rhyme past mortal ken.
I shall be thy lover...

My hands found the front of his shirt and gripped it as he slowly tugged off my undergarments. It was getting very hard to think with his hands everywhere on me and the hypnosis his voice had almost let me in. My mind was able to form one thought. His clothes were still on his body and desperately needed to go. The next thought it formed was that I needed to remove them. I also needed it to move quickly before I lost all logical thought.

Suddenly, I shocked him as I flipped us over. The look on his face was priceless as I began to remove his shirt to show a gorgeous chest. I nearly drooled over it. So lean and fit. I trailed my nails down his abs and dug into them a bit, leaving a few marks. He was gritting his teeth and I knew he was struggling to keep calm.

I smirked and moved lower, down to his pants. I bit my lip and reached to pull them off. It was a blessing it was somewhat dark as I was very nervous about removing his pants. I slid them off and looked down at his undergarments. My hands were quaking as I removed them.

The moment they were gone, I found my back pressed against the bed again and him settling in-between my legs. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at him with eyes wide. His breathing was a bit ragged as he looked into my eyes, asking for permission. I gave him a half smile and his lips collided with me and he entered me fast. Suddenly, I didn't scream from pleasure but raw pain. He felt massive in me and it hurt. He froze and let me adjust to him. I took a few faltering breathes and hoped the pain would go away soon. As it began to fade, I pushed my hips against him to encourage him to move.

My eyes were squeezed shut as he gave a slow thrust. I gasped slightly. It still stung a little but it was fading quickly and being replaced with an unbearable pleasure. I pushed my hips against his thrusts again to encourage him to move faster. He willingly complied and took me hard and fast.

With every movement he claimed my body and I willingly let him. Something was building as he moved and I was getting nervous again. The feeling kept building until something let go and I cried out in pure pleasure as my hips bucked.

Jareth bit down on my shoulder and shuddered with a groan as I felt him finishing inside me. I was gasping for breath as he looked deeply and lovingly into my eyes. We didn't speak. Any words would have ruined the perfect moment we were sharing. He was still inside me but neither of us were quite ready to break the connection we were both feeling.

He laid down and pulled a blanket over me. I laid my head against his slightly damp chest. We fell asleep still joined together in perfect union.

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