Chapter 16 - Goblin Queen

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Sarah's POV:

I stood perfectly still as a goblin made sure the corset on the dress was laced up properly. I was nervous. Very nervous. Today, I would become the Goblin Queen, wife of Jareth. The goblin handed me my jewelry and I mentally prepared myself.

The door to my rooms opened and Sir Didymus and Hoggled walked in. They were to escort me down the aisle instead of my father. Maitland had offered but I had said I wanted my friends to do it. He had understood perfectly and been more than happy to let them do it.

We had decided on Sir Didymus and Hoggle because they were the smallest of my two friends. Ludo had agreed to stand with the other goblins and even hold some of the smaller ones who couldn't see. 

We were being married in the throne room by the Banshee Empress. She had taken it upon herself to marry us. As a creature from a completely different race, she would make a fine officiator for the marriage. 

Sir Didymus walked over to me and said,

"Is my lady ready for the ceremony is about to begin?" I nodded and held out my hands to them. Sir Didymus took my left and Hoggle my right and we walked down the hall to the throne room. I was nervous and my stomach was in knots.

The large door opened and I closed my eyes tightly for a moment. I was scared. Sir Didymus and Hoggle tugged gently on my hands and I started down the makeshift aisle they had made. I opened my eyes and looked to my left. All of the Fae were standing there. Maitland and Karis along with a few others I didn't recognize. Standing with them were a few Banshees.

I look to my right and saw the Goblins. Ludo was in the back with about seven small goblins on his head and shoulders. I smiled at him and looked straight ahead. What I saw was the Banshee Empress and Jareth's back. We hadn't seen each other in quite a while it seemed. It had only been about forty-eight hours but I realized I had missed that wild-haired king's presense.

Sir Didymus and Hoggled halted a little ways behind me and remained behind me as I walked the last few steps alone.

I reached out my left hand and took Jareth's right. He didn't even flinch though I knew I would have. I was surprised but then realized he probably had heard my breathing. He squeezed my hand and I held on for dear life. The Banshee looked around and said,

"Goblins, Fae, and Banshees -- we have come together to see these two Fae become husband and wife. Who brings the woman?" Sir Didymus piped up,

"Myself as Sir Didymus, oh Banshee Empress. I bring her ladyship here to be given to this king." I swore I heard Hoggle mutter under his breath, "or rat." Jareth gripped my hand and gritted his teeth. I leaned back slightly and glared at Hoggle. He faintly shrugged his shoulders.

The Banshee said,

"Very well, Sir Didymus." The Banshee lifted a crown from its place and held it in her thin hands. "Jareth, KIng of the Goblins, are you ready to take Sarah as your bride and to never release her until you breath your last breath?" Jareth nodded and solemnly said,

"I am ready." She turned to me and said,

"Sarah Williams, Fae Human, are you ready to be taken by Jareth, Goblin King, for his bride and never be released until he or you draws his last breath?" I nodded and said,

"I am ready." She gestured for me to kneel and I did so. She placed the crown on my head and, taking my hand in her's, lifted me up. Jareth took my hand and turned me around so that the crowd could see me.

"People of the Labyrinth and those who are now, I present, your queen!!" He proclaimed to the crowds of creatures. The Goblins started to whoop and rejoice and throw their hats into the air and sometimes themselves.

The Fae and Banshees clapped and cheered but in a polite manner. I smiled and blushed. Then Jareth did something that completely unnerved me. He kissed me right on the mouth. 

I was started for a second but then started to kiss him back. He had always kissed my cheek or forehead so the kiss on the mouth was unexpected. He was a good kisser to say the least. I had been kissed once before and it was horrible.

This was heaven. I felt fire through my body and when he pulled me closer, I gasped. I was trying to remain calm but it wasn't working, not with his mouth on mine. Suddenly, I head a voice call out,

"Goblin King!" Jareth released me in a moment and turned towards the voice. I managed to put on a calm face while my heart was pounding. It was a Fae messenger. He ran up with message.

Jareth looked it over and growled. He suddenly said,

"We march in thirty minutes. Prepare the army, NOW!" Everything fled the throne room. He turned back to me and said,

"I am sorry, my love. I must go to war. I love you." He whispered and kissed me again before vanishing in a puff of glitter. I just stood there looking at the place where he had been.

"What is happening?" I asked myself.

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