Chapter 21 - Camp

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Sarah's POV:

It was four days of hard marching before we reached the camp of the army of the Fae Realm. I had aquired a pair of mares so Berry and I rode them. She said she would be fine but I didn't want to risk anything. She was an old woman though I had to admit something about her weren't to be expected.

She was quite a talker and enjoyed telling me about her life Aboveground. Sometimes I listened but most of the time it was background noise. She seemed to understand that and not bother to make sure I was listening. It was as if she knew my mind was occupied.

As I didn't know how long I would be gone I had left Hoggle, Sir Didymus, and Ludo in control of the kingdom. Berry was doing what they might have done only better. It was as if she understood me even though we hadn't known each other for more than a week. How did that work? The woman wasn't normal. There was something about her that confused me.

I settle back on the hard cot I would be sleeping on and sighed. It was hard, cold, and hardly welcome. But, this is what I would be sleeping on so I decided to make it at least bearable. I sunk a few crystals into it and softened it considerably.

I looked over at Berry and saw her doing the same thing. One thing I had learned about her was that she was somewhat good at magic. She had spent some time in the Fae Realm and they had taught her the basics.

I smiled at her attempts and ended up helping her a little. She gave me a kind smile in return and said,

"Shall I sing you a song? Would that help you sleep, Deary?" I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess." I leaned back and yawned slightly. Berry sat on her cot and started to sing.

No one can blame you for walking away
Too much rejection
No love injection
Life can be easy

It's not always swell
Don't tell me truth hurts, little girl
'Cause it hurts like hell
But down in the underground

You'll find someone true
Down in the underground
A land serene
A crystal moon, ah, ah

It's only forever
Not long at all
Lost and lonely
That's underground

And I was asleep before she finished the song. It was very late and I was quite tired.


It was early the next morning when I woke. I pulled myself to my feet and straightened my jacket and shirt. I glanced at the pair of tights I was wearing and groaned. They were completely messed up. I hated it when they twisted around my legs.

The tights were the only thing of Jareth's I never had worn. The moment I looked at them I knew I couldn't wear them. My hips and thighs were too wide. Despite being quite fit, I still couldn't challenge Jareth and his form.

I straightened my tights, buckled the tattered cloak around my shoulders, left a note for Berry telling her where I had gone, and went to find Maitland. I had some things to say to him.

As I walked through the camp, I saw several of the Fae looking at me. Some snickered but my glare hushed them. I wasn't the same naive girl who had defeated the Labyrinth and then been claimed as queen by the Goblin King. No, I was the windowed Goblin Queen. I had to be strong even when I felt like falling apart. 

Is this what Jareth felt like all the time? I had long ago realized how alone I was. Even with my friends, I was still alone. There was no one I could trust with all of my thoughts and secrets. My friends knew I loved Jareth but no one else. No one else knew what I went through.

I pushed the thoughts from my mind and hurried to the main tent. Inside, I found the Banshee Empress and Maitland. A small form was sitting on the table with a frown on her face. She was a sprite, I realized in a moment.

I bowed to all of them and said,

"Maitland, I wish to know why I wasn't informed of this war? As Goblin Queen, I needed to know. Please, I demand an explanation." He looked me over and said,

"Has this queen thing gone to your head, Sarah? You weren't like this when you were here with Jareth." I frowned. No, of course, I had been confused and scared. That wasn't the case now.

"Maitland, I asked you a question. Answer it." My words came out harsh and I wondered how long I could keep it up. I wasn't naturally harsh and my hard shell was all a facade. All a lie.

He shrugged his shoulders, "So, I forgot. Forgive me. You are just a girl. You didn't need to know. We had it under control. Where is your general?" I smiled at him.

"I am my own general. I know it isn't tradition for a Fae woman to fight but I must. I am the Goblin Queen." Maitland looked at me and smiled.

"You will do well, Sarah. You have the material in you to be a good general." I noticed the change in his moods. Something wasn't right. I frowned slightly but didn't mention it.

We went on to talk about strategy and I learned more that day then I had in years. It was dark before I returned to the tent. I walked in and collapsed onto the cot. I looked over at Berry's cot and noticed she was busy juggling a crystal ball. Something about the way she was doing that brought a horrible case of memories.

She looked over at me, stopped juggling and smiled,

"What happened? Do we fight soon, Deary?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing much. We must wait for when the Trolls attack. All things in good time, Berry. Did you have intentions of fighting?" Berry shrugged her shoulders and gave me a lopsided grin.

"I might try my hand. A little bit of magic might help. No one would pay any mind to an old woman. I might pitch in here and there." I shook my head.

"No, I can't have anything happening to you. Maybe you can stay behind and help the Sprites with healing?" She shrugged again and started the juggling.

"That is fine, I guess. I can help them as they might need it. I am yours to command, Deary." I looked at her and said,

"Why do you always call me 'Deary'?" She chuckled.

"Because I think it fits you." She winked and kept the juggling. I watched for a while and almost completely cleared my mind of thoughts. I was just too tired to think. I finally said,

"Where did you learn to do that?" She looked up at me and grinned.

"Oh, it took years of practice. My mother taught me. Shall I teach you?" I nodded and created my own crystal ball. After about two hours, I managed to do it halfway decently. It was another reminder of Jareth and that night, I cried myself to sleep with Berry singing a lullaby to me.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I hope this isn't too weird? I mean, this section was kinda filler so it wasn't too interesting. Oh well, I shall keep writing!!!!!!!!!!! I have a major surprise planned but I am not telling. You'll are welcome to guess but I won't tell. I love to read comments so the more the merrier. And, please, if any of you have any advise or ideas, please let me know. I can use all the help I can get. I can't guarantee I will use it but I shall consider it.


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