Chapter 27 - Human Healers

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Jareth’s POV:

I stared at the form lying on the ground. Terror struck me right in the chest. Sarah was dying if she wasn’t already dead. In my panic I didn’t move. I couldn’t move.

A group of Fae ran over to her side and quickly carried her away. Soon, I was left alone on the battlefield with the dead body of my enemy who I had once, mistakenly, called ‘father’. I glanced over at the form of the Dullahan and growled.

A moment later, I was standing the room where they were working on Sarah. Two Banshees Healers and three Fae healers were around her and arguing back and forth. The shock was hitting harder and I just stood in the background.

My healing talents were minimal if nonexistent. I never had bothered to work those. Defense magic and attack magic had seemed more beneficial.

As they worked, I scowled at the strange twist of fate that had cursed Sarah and I. At first, when we were together she hated me while I loved her. Then, once I was supposedly dead, she had learned to love me. Now, we were together and in love and she was dying.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. The shock was wearing off and leaving in its wake a dead emptiness. An emptiness I knew all too well. I would be alone once more. I had lost her again and there would be no possibility of ever bringing her back.

One of the Fae walked over to me and I saw the concern and pain written over his face.

“Goblin King, we have bad news. There is nothing we can do. The Dullahan’s sword poisoned her body with magic that cannot be fought by Fae, Banshee or Goblin magic. It is impossible. The magic forbids her body to clot the flow of blood. She will bleed to death.”

I walked over to her side and looked down at the form. She was bleeding to death before my very eyes. I was Fae as well and could do nothing. I reached out a hand and traced her cheek gently. She was just barely breathing and her skin was deadly pale.

Suddenly, a thought came to mind. The Fae, Banshees, and Goblins could go nothing. But, there was one race left. The humans. My wife was a former human. Perhaps her own people could help her. I scooped her up his my arms and said,

“I am taking her to the humans.” The last thing I saw was the shocked faces of the Fae and Banshee healers. I had to try to save her. After the few months that I had lived in the Aboveground, I had learned much about their world.

They had something called a ‘hospital’ and an ‘Emergency Room’ or ‘ER’. I would take Sarah there. Perhaps they could do something. Humans had no magic but maybe all their doctors could do something. I had to try.

Sarah and I appeared in an alley behind the hospital in Sarah’s hometown. I changed into my human form and Sarah into hers. I carried her into the ER and immediately a nurse ran over. I tried to hold back the panic in my voice as I said,

“Please, help her! She is bleeding to death! Please!” Several more nurses ran over and she was whisked away into what humans called ‘surgery’.

I wanted to be there or send a crystal to watch but I was too exhausted and knew the human tradition that none but nurses and doctors were allowed to be in the surgery room.

I found a seat in the waiting room and tried to stay calm. When no one was looking, I created a crystal ball and watched the army camp. They were dealing with the dead and the wounded. I shattered the crystal and waited.

While I waited I noticed an old man sitting in a corner. He smiled at me and winked. I frowned and looked away. I wasn’t interested in talking. I wanted to see my Sarah. I wanted her to live. But, my hands were tied, figuratively of course.

A moment later, I glanced to my side and saw the old man sitting beside me. I jumped slightly and frowned at him again. How had he moved so quickly? I ignored the nagging sense that I had met this man before and thereby ignored him. Suddenly, he spoke,

“What’s the matter, son?” I had become familiar with the human custom of older men calling younger men ‘son’ even when they weren’t related. Humans were very confusing. I glanced over at him and said,

“My wife is dying. She was badly injured. I don’t know what I am going to do without her.” I fought to keep all emotion from my voice. I might be pretending to be a human but I couldn’t remove the nine hundred years of practice I had had as king.

The old man chuckled sadly and said,

“You sound like you have it hard right now. I am sure all will go well. You have one pretty wife. I assume you are talking about the brunette who you carried in?” I nodded and held my head in my hands. The old man leaned over and started to rub my back. I held back the tears but my shoulders still shook.

“Son, keep calm. Fae women are strong,” He stopped for a moment and said, “Jareth.” My head shot up and I turned to look at the man. He smirked at me and then said,

“I know a Fae when I see one, Jareth, Goblin King. I also know my own son when I see him.”

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