Chapter 22 - Loyalty

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Sarah's POV:

I was restless. I couldn't sleep. Something was wrong in the camp and I couldn't pinpoint it. I normally could do such things but I couldn't place it this time.

I walked about the camp and watched the various races. The Banshees were sitting around their fires and staring into nothing. The Fae were laughing, talking, and drinking along with the Goblins.

I watched my Goblin army as they drank and laughed. I wanted to join them and lose myself in such merriment. But I couldn't. I couldn't lose myself in it. I had a war to win. And besides, I didn't drink. I never had and I felt it to be a weakness.

I walked past a small band of somewhat sober Goblins when one called out,

"My queen." I stopped and turned to look back at them. I smiled faintly and said,

"Yes?" He cleared his throat and stepped towards me.

"Queen, I simply wanted to say how glad we are that you decided to be our general. You are the best choice other than his late majesty. We have complete faith in you." I smiled at them and fought back the tears at their words of loyalty.

I wasn't even one of them but yet, I was accepted and they were loyal. I dropped down to one knee before the short Goblin and said,

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. What is your name?" The Goblin gave me a toothy smile and said,

"Tolin." I held out my hand to him.

"It is good to meet you, Tolin. I wish you luck in the battle that may be coming soon." I looked away. "I wish it would come then leave." He looked at me curiously.

"Queen, what do you mean?" I smiled sadly back at him.

"I wish I knew. I am only a human made Fae. I don't understand your races yet. But, what better way to start then to fight some of them." I winked and teleported myself out of the camp. I need a quiet place to sit and think.

Suddenly I heard something and looked behind me. It was Berry. I should have guess. She never left my side. Something about that woman made me wonder who she was. Something was different about her. She wasn't a weak old woman like she liked me to believe. I wasn't such an idiot to believe that. I did believe that she was my friend though.

She sat down beside me and said,

"Deary, what's bothering you?" I sighed and broke a stick between my hands.

"Everything, Berry. Everything." She reached over and patted my arm gently.

"Well, tell me." I leaned up against a tree trunk and said,

"Okay, number one. I don't know what to do in war. I am going to lost it.  I don't know what to do and they need someone who does." I closed my eyes and sighed. Berry took my hand and said,

"Don't worry. You will do fine. I had immense trust in you. If you need any help then ask me." I looked at her strangely. She had so many different facets sometimes I wondered who she really was. Those mismatched eyes glowed and I felt slightly unnerved as a sense of Deja Vu. 

I looked away and said,

"How can you help? Do you know anything about battle?" She winked at me and said,

"I know more than you might think." Sometimes she dropped cryptic statements I would have thought worthy of Jareth. Jareth, my beloved and dead husband. I missed him so. I wanted him back and more than once had thought about wishing for him.

Jareth had always said to be careful what you wished for so I never had. I didn't want to see his corpse come and find me. No, that isn't what I wanted. I wanted a living breathing Jareth.

Berry patted my shoulder and said,

"Thinking deep thoughts, Deary?" I nodded.

"Yes, deep thought that I must keep to myself, old friend. Why don't we take a walk? Can your old bones handle it?" I joked and held out my arm to her. Berry laughed and took my offered arm.

"I think I can handle it. I am not as frail as I look!" I chuckled and we started to walk. The woman held onto my arm firmly and I wondered how much longer she could go. We were pretty far away from camp and I said,

"Come on, let's go back." Berry nodded and we turned back. Just as we turned around I heard something beside us. I looked over and saw Maitland walking away from camp. I looked at Berry and knew she had seen as well. I wanted to go after Maitland but feared leaving Berry alone in the woods.

She seemed to understand and said,

"Go. Follow him. Something is amiss and you need to know. Now, go!" She waved her hand towards Maitland's retreating form. I nodded and changed into my bird form. A moment later, I was flying after him.

He moved through the woods silently and suddenly came into the clearing. I perched on a limb and knew what I was seeing wasn't good at all.

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