Chapter 10 - Fae Realm

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 Sarah's POV:

I finished packing in a matter of a few minutes. I didn't need much and was too nervous to think straight.

Just as I finished the last thing, I felt a presence behind him. I turned around and saw glitter still falling to the floor as Jareth had just appeared. I closed my small suitcase and said,

“Don't you ever use the door?” He brushed some glitter off and said,

“Why should I? I don't see any reason too.” I glared and said,

“I won't argue with you, Jareth. Now, what are we going to do next?” He took the suitcase from my hand and said,

“We are going to go eat lunch and then make our way to the Fae Realm. My father is expecting us. Come with me.” He held out his hand and I took it firmly. It didn't surprise me at all when I felt sparks shoot up my arm. Yep, I was getting the idea that I at least had a mini crush on this very annoying, sexy Goblin King. Just a mini crush.

We walked down the hall again and I then realized how hungry flying made me. It was really exhausting. We walked into the dining room and sat down. I ate some things but didn't talk. I didn't feel like talking. I was nervous and unsettled.

My life had been so perfect until I came down sick with cancer. I mean, if I hadn't then I wouldn't be here. I looked at Jareth and said,

“Jareth, would I be here if it wasn't for the cancer?” He looked up from his meal and seemed surprised I had asked.

“What do you mean? If you mean would you have remained in your world and died there, then no. I fully intended to bring you down here one day. The cancer simply gave me a perfect opportunity.” I glared and we finished our meal in silence.

When we were done, Jareth led me to the top of the roof. I looked at him and he said,

“I shall come back in a moment. Stay here and don't change into any other forms.” He then vanished in a poof of glitter. I rolled my eyes and waited patiently. I looked out over the expanse of the Goblin City and beyond it to the Labyrinth. I remembered all that I had gone through just to get my baby brother back.

My baby brother. I wanted to see him again. He had lost his sister and I feared for him. I shivered and wrapped my arms around my body, hugging myself. I jumped when I felt a pair of gloved hands on my shoulders.

Jareth massaged them gently and leaned down to whisper in my ear,

“Fretting over something, love?” I smiled faintly and rubbed my arms. He caught my hands and held them firmly in his own. I frowned.

“Yes, I am worried about my baby brother.” He smirked and said,

“Don't worry. I have plans for him.” Scowling back at him, I said,

“I don't like it when you say plans.” He laughed and suddenly, I found myself lying on the ground. I looked around and realized I was in my bird form. I glared at him. I felt his mirth through my head. Snapping at him with my beak only proved to make him laugh more. In the end, I forced myself to be indifferent and soon we were on our way to the Fae Realm.

He soared proud and high while I just managed to keep up. Showoff. I sneered at him. He glanced back and laughed,

Of course. I have a reputation, Precious. I must keep it up. I would have hissed at him but couldn't. So, instead, I held my tongue. This man had to be the most annoying yet most sexy in the world. That was the irritating part.

What was more irritating was that I was slowly getting used to it. Aye, I might have even been falling in love with him.

Enjoy your current vein of thought, love? I realized with a embarrassed groan that he had been listening to my thoughts. Okay, this was totally not good. I shot him the best glare that I could as a bird and took off.

My bird as a breed was faster than his owl so I hoped I might be able to use that speed to get back at him. I dived low into a wooded area and zig-zagged through the trees. I made hairpin turns and slip-second decisions so that he wouldn't have time to react. Suddenly, I felt pain in my mind. I slowed and turned back into my Fae form. I saw Jareth laying on the forest floor, holding his wrist and managing to avoid a scream of pain.

I ran over and saw the glare in his eyes. I dropped down beside him and took his wrist gently in my hands. I ran them over it and soon found the break. Suddenly, something acted within me and I squeezed the break. I don't know why I did but he let out a howl of pain then stopped. The wrist was as good as new. Better than new. I pulled my hands back and looked at them.

He smiled at me and said,

“Well, that was well worth having my wrist broken for. I didn't know your magic was working. Well never mind. Thanks for breaking my wrist then fixing it. What were you thinking?” He stood up and pulled me to my feet. I blushed and looked at the ground. It was stupid now that I thought about it.

“Well, um, I couldn't get back at you for reading my thoughts so I decided to see how fast I could fly. Well, I guess I figured it out really quick.” He laughed and turned back into his bird form. A moment later, I was also in my bird form. This time though I didn't find myself on the ground.

Practice makes perfect. I thought to him. I felt his delight.

True, Precious, very true. You are quite a fast flier. Lets take it slower this time. I smirked in my head then it quickly faded as I realized how Jareth that smirk had been. I guess he was wearing off on me. I heard laughter in my head and shot a deadly look towards Jareth.

He soared through the tree tops and up into the clear air.

Several uneventful hours later, we arrived on the outskirts of the Fae Realm. It was a pretty land. The kind you read about in fairy tales. It didn't take us long to see the Fae city coming into view. It looked like it was made of pearl glass. It was very beautiful.

The city grew nearer by the moment and we were soon among the streets. I didn't have time to look down because of the speed Jareth was flying at. I never imagined how fast he could actually go when he didn't have to make too many sharp turns.

We soon arrived at the palace. It was the tallest building of the place and made of mother of pearl. It was so much different then the Castle beyond the Goblin City. I had admit though it was too beautiful for me to truly enjoy.

As we landed and changed into our Fae forms, I saw a no Fae. I was surprised at the lack of them. I took Jareth's hand and suddenly we heard a voice call to us. Jareth and I turned around and I saw Jareth's father for the first time.

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