Chapter 7 - Fight

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Sarah's POV:

Jareth led down twisted halls and as we passed through a door, I closed my eyes and flinched. It was the room with all the stairs. I gripped his gloved hand and tried to get some since of up and down. He laughed and said,

"Precious, if you want to learn how to get through this I would advise opening your eyes." I opened them and glared at him. He smirked and showed me the path through it. Suddenly, I said,

"I thought I had destroyed it or something." He chuckled as we exited.

"Things are not always as they seem, love. Remember that." He winked at me and led me through some more normal halls. I glared at him. It was true. There were many layers to this world. Many layers that I feared I would never understand. Well, I guess I had forever to try.

Suddenly two doors swung open to let us through and I saw the throne room. I recognized it immediately and swallowed nervously. It was different then before. Before when I had been in search of Toby it had been deserted.

That was not the case now. My new "subjects" were running around. Some were drinking and others were chasing chickens. I gripped Jareth's hand like a vice as he led me across to his throne. He gestured for me to sit and he took a place on the arm rest.

He looked over at me and said smugly,

"What do you think of your new throne room?" I glared at him and said harshly.

"It needs cleaning." He threw back his head and laughed.

"Well, it won't do much good, precious." Only then I noticed his riding crop. He was tapping it in rhythm with something in his head. After a little while I said,

"Jareth, if you don't stop that infernal tapping, I am going to have to murder an immortal being." I shot him a dangerous glare. I hated noises like that. He smirked and kept tapping. I kept my countenance calm as I said,

"Jareth," My voice held a warning tone that all the goblins understood. They looked at each other and fled. I smiled dangerously and said, "Stop. It." He looked at me and smirked.

"And if I don't?" I glared at him and realized there was nothing I could do. I folded my arms and said,

"Don't make me tell you." He laughed but stopped. It was then I realized something. I kinda liked this. Something in my clicked. The messy throne room, the smirking king, the noisy goblins -- they were all growing on me. I was growing used to it and even growing to like it. This was very bad. I wasn't supposed to like it. I was supposed to hate that I would be marrying the Goblin king. But I didn't.

I looked around me and felt my head begin to fall to one side. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt myself scooped up in a pair of warm arms. Unconsciously, I snuggled closer and yawned.

"Precious thing, you are very tired. I think it is time you went to bed." I felt a small rush of wind and we were standing in my room. He laid me down in the bed and tucked me in. I closed my eyes and sighed in contentment.

I felt something brush my forehead and I tensed for a second as I realized it had been his lips. I opened my eyes long enough to see him smirk and vanish in a puff of glitter. Then, I fell sound asleep with a voice singing in my head:

As the pain sweeps through,

Makes no sense for you.

Every thrill is gone.

Wasn't too much fun at all,

But I'll be there for you

As the world falls down.

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