Chapter 8 - Missive

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Sarah’s POV:

I woke up the next morning, still getting used to waking up in this new home. I dragged myself out of bed and staggered into the bathroom. It didn’t take me long to get myself in some form or order. I smoothed out my hair thought now I thought about it with my new Fae appearance I really should try Jareth’s style. I threw the idea out the door as quickly as I thought it. No way was I even going to try to look like my future pain-in-the-neck husband.

I walked out of my bathroom and looked through my closet for something to wear. I found a dress and immediately decided I would have to talk to Jareth about new clothes. I pointed blank refused to wear dresses all the time. Surely he could find me a pair of jeans. If all else failed, surely his tights might work.

I groaned at the thought of how those things had to fit. I mean, it had to be uncomfortable after a while. Oh well, they would be better than nothing.

Five minutes later I found myself standing outside my door with no idea where I was to find Jareth. He had to be somewhere. I walked down the hall and ran into a goblin. No surprise.

“Good morning, sir. Would you kindly tell me where I could find your king?” The goblin looked up at me and gestured for me to follow him. He didn’t say a word but pointed at a door. I nodded to him and said,

“Thank-you, Sir.” He bowed and walked away. I stepped towards the door and heard a growl. I took a deep breath and opened the door. It was Jareth’s study. There was one desk with a large high-back chair where Jareth was sitting. A book shelf was behind him and before him was a sitting area.

He looked up when I walked in and smiled slightly. He then looked back at the paper in his hands and said,

“I would like to have words with my father. He knows very well I don’t want to see him.” I looked at him and walked over. I took the paper from his hands and scowled. I couldn’t read it.

“What is this?” Jareth snatched it back and said,

“A missive from my father. Every year I send a letter explaining how things are going in the Underground. It is a simple task. When he receives the letter, he sends one back saying he did, what he thinks, and it always includes a request I come visit. Well, I sent my letter one week ago, saying that I would be having a bride soon.” I stared at him in shock.

“A week ago? I haven’t been here that long? You didn’t change time while I wasn’t looking?” He laughed and smirked.

“I knew you were going to accept. If you didn’t, I was going to keep after you until you did. Even your stubbornness would give in when you were at death’s door.” I glared at him and crossed my arms. Why did he always have to be right? He knew I would give in. He knew I was ready to leave my old life behind.

He smirked at me and said,

“Enough of that, Precious. No matter how beautiful you look when you glare, we have other things to do.” I frowned and said,

“Very well, what sort of things?”

“Well, my father has given strict orders that I come to see him, bringing you along. You will finally get to meet the rest of your race.” I stared at him as I realized what this meant. I would going to be meeting the rest of the Fae. I quietly asked,

“Are they all like you?” He threw back his head and laughed.

“Of course. They are somewhat like me. But, no worries, Precious, they don’t have my cunning mind nor my love for tricks.” I took a deep breath of relief. I didn’t know how I was supposed to survive with a bunch of people who were just like Jareth. That would be the end of my sanity.

I smiled and took a deep breath before saying,

“Well, okay then. When do we go?” He thought for a moment then said,

“In three hours. We need to eat breakfast and lunch here and if we leave right after lunch we should be in the Fae Realm by supper. We shall have to fly as it is too far to teleport. We shall stay one week and then return. When we return, I shall start your magic training.” He started to walk towards the door but I quickly stopped him and said,

“Magic training?” I couldn’t use magic. He was the magical one. He chuckled and looked back at me. He walked close and tucked a dark lock of hair behind my hair. He kissed my forehead before saying,

“Love, you are now a Fae. As such, you need to learn about magic.” I looked up at him and said softly,

“So, I will be able to form crystal balls, teleport from one place to another, and all the other things you can do?” He nodded. I knew just what I was going to do as well. Yes, I would love to leave him in the middle of an argument in a puff of glitter.

He looked at me and said,

“I can hear you thought when I please, precious. You might want to be careful what you think.” I glared at him and was about to stalk out when he appeared in the doorway. I shot him a deadly scowl and he laughed.

“Come now, love. Let’s go to dinner and remember that you will be able to read my thoughts in a few weeks. Though, I don’t know if I want to teach you. I don’t know if reading thoughts would be a good thing for you.” I folded my arms and said,

“You will teach me or I will figure it out. Don’t take my stubbornness for granted.” He laughed and held out his arm.

“I won’t, precious.” He smirked and we started to walk down a hall. “I won’t ever take anything about you for granted, precious. Now, let’s eat breakfast.” I glared at him but it was turning playful. I was really starting to enjoy our arguments. Made life at the castle less boring.

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