Chapter 31 - A Deal with a Catch

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Gareth’s POV:

I magicked myself to where Alice was. I made sure she couldn’t see me as I watched her. She was beautiful. Intoxicatingly so. I wondered what scheme I might be able to concoct to keep her here. I wasn’t the devilish mastermind that Jareth was.

He had always been the smirking, leering one. Those mismatched eyes could make the innocent of smirks turn evil. It was in his nature to be a bit of a free spirit. I had always followed him but never would have gone that way alone.

Alice was working her way through the hedge maze and I suddenly made myself visible, leaning against a hedge. She jumped and then glared at me.

“What are you doing here?” She snapped slightly and kept moving. She wasn’t the standing around and talking type when something was happening, I gathered that quickly. I jogged after her and easily kept up with her.

“Well, thought I would see how you were doing. You know, check up on you.” She flashed a glare at me and hurried on. I jogged beside her and she said,

“Fine. I don’t care. I still wish you would just return Abi. It would be simpler. Surely you and your brother have enough Goblins already.” I shrugged.

“My brother makes the rules. I just obey them. He says run the labyrinth so you are running the labyrinth.” I smiled at her and for a moment my eyes were completely locked with her’s. She was beautiful. Those eyes were perfect.

Yeah, I certainly needed to not be thinking this. Well, then again, what harm would it do? She would run the Labyrinth and leave. I would never see her again. I darted to catch up with her and she said,

“Are you just going to follow me around? It is kind of annoying!” Another glare from her blue eyes told me I had better leave. But, suddenly an idea struck me. An idea that would mean I might get the chance to get to know this girl better. I wanted that. I couldn’t deny myself that delight. Surely she wouldn’t mind.

“You know what happens if you lose, right?” Her face paled and she nodded.

“Yes, Abi becomes a Goblin. I won’t have it.” I smirked and stepped in front of her.

“Well, do you want to make me a deal?” She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

“What kind of a deal?” She was suspicious as she should be. Most Fae weren’t to be trusted. I wasn’t like them. I wasn’t a manipulator of words like my brother. He could tell a truth so wrongly it was almost a lie. But just enough truth that he could say it.

I gasped for breath and looked deep into her eyes.

“You don’t want your sister to become a Goblin right?” She nodded sharply. I grinned. “Then, if you lose, you and your sister stay here forever. Neither of you will be made into Goblins. But, you have to promise to stay with her.” She tilted her head and looked confused.

“Why would I stay? Why? Give me one good reason.” I chuckled and said,

“I could think up several. Now, try to win and if you don’t then my offer is the best you will get.” I smirked and vanished.

Alice’s POV:

I watched the sparkly Fae disappeared in a poof of glitter. Despite being a little bit annoying and strange he was pretty handsome. Those green eyes and blond hair with the high slightly sunken cheekbones were quite appealing.

I could go back home or live forever in this world. Well, I would try to beat the Labyrinth and if I couldn’t then maybe all wouldn’t be lost. I smiled and started to run again.

Jareth’s POV:

One of the Goblins had brought Abi to me as Gareth had disappeared without a trace. Even I didn’t have any idea where he went. I wasn’t worried enough to conjure a crystal and see where he was.

So, now, I was sitting in my chair with Abi on my lap and Sarah looking at me. I couldn’t stand to look at those green eyes and those lips without wanting to kiss them. They were perfect. I loved every inch of that woman and once she was better I would prove it to her. In every way a man could prove his love.

She looked at me and then at Abi.

“I didn’t know you were a family man, Jareth?” She said with a laugh. I glared playfully.

“Neither did I.” I stood up and gently set the girl down in the chair to keep sleeping. I moved over to Sarah’s bed and sat down. She smiled up at me and sighed.

“Can’t I get up?” I shook my head. She stuck out her bottom lip and gave me the best puppy look. I chuckled and said,

“Well, I might let you if you bribe me.” I smirked and she glared.

“More kissing?” She tried to sound aggravated but I could sense the pleasure in her eyes. She liked them as much as I did. I nodded. She playfully scowled and said,

“Well, if I must.” She smirked and I bent down to kiss her. Ten minutes later, we had really gotten into it when I heard the door open. I sprang away from her and looked towards the door. Gareth stood there with his hands over his eyes.

“This is the way I shall enter all rooms which you two might be in. I dare not risk going blind from having to see you all and your,” He cleared his throat, “affection displayed.” I laughed and moved to sit by Sarah.

“Sorry, brother.” I didn’t mean it at all though. Let him go blind. I was going to show Sarah I loved her every waking moment of the day. He uncovered his eyes and rolled them.

“Very well. I forgive you. I think.” He looked over at Abi and picked her up gently in his arms. She stayed sound asleep and he rocked her gently. I raised my eyebrows at him and he chuckled.

Sarah smiled and said,

“Where have you been, Gareth?” He grinned at me and said,

“Procuring a wife.” My jaw dropped and Sarah gasped,

“What! From where?” He laughed and kissed the forehead of Abi.

“Oh, the runner. I told her if she lost and agreed to stay then her sister wouldn’t be turned into a Goblin.” I glared at him. He was taking more and more after me. He had forgotten to tell her one important fact.

“Gareth, you know the law. If the woman is of marrying age then she must marry one of us. You didn’t tell her that did you?” He shook his head. I groaned.

“Well, this shall go well. I wish you luck in your attempt to marry Alice Mayqueen. This should go well.” I remarked sarcastically.

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