Chapter 15 - Wedding Dress

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Sarah's POV:

I awoke the next morning and suddenly remembered everything. The wedding had been moved up and it was tomorrow. I bit my lip which was becoming a nervous habit and slipped out of bed. I dressed and sat back down on my bed.

A servant came in a few minutes later with breakfast and a note. I opened the note and read it through,

Dear Sarah,

I want to tell you that I will not be seeing you until our wedding day. It is tradition for the Fae as I also understand for humans. I will have the goblin weaver working a wedding dress. Ask any of your friends who I will send to you where the weavers are and they will take you there.

Take care of yourself and I shall see you tomorrow. And, also, you seem to think that I don't love you. I do love you and don't forget it. I will always love you.


I set the note down and sighed. Maybe it was just wedding nerves that I was getting. I was started to doubt everything. I was scared to tell the truth.

I ate my breakfast and suddenly the door opened. I looked up and smiled at the sight of my friends. Ludo sat down on the floor, Sir Didymus took a chair and Hoggle just stood. I smiled at them but before I could say a word, Hoggle spoke up,

"What's this I hear about you marry that rat sooner then expected?" I looked at my folded hands and said,

"Well, he is going to war and this is the only way for me to have any say in my own life. If he dies then I will be queen. If he lives then life will go on as if I hadn't married him until when I stated." Hoggle sighed and sat down.

Sir DIdymus walked over and said,

"My lady, are ye ill? Is there something upsetting thee?" I sighed.

"This is all very sudden, Sir Didymus. I shall be fine." Sir Didymus looked at me and frowned. He knew something wasn't right but he wasn't going to push for which I was grateful. But I did have a question and I sensed Hoggle was likely to be the best to ask it of.

"Hoggle, can a Fae fall in love?" Hoggled look at me in surprised.

"What do you mean?" I smiled sadly and twisted my fingers together.

"Well, I mean, is it possible for them to love another?" Hoggle frowned then chuckled.

"Oh, they can and once they do they will love that person for the rest of their lives. Once a Fae loves it is never reversed. If a Fae man loves a woman than he will never love another ever. It is a curse and a blessing. It is the same with a Fae woman." I stood up and looked out my window.

Jareth couldn't lie and he said he loved me. I would have to believe him. I was just very confused and scared. After all, I was going to soon become the queen of a land which was in the middle of a war.

To take my mind off my problems, I said,

"Would you three show me where my dress is being made?" All three nodded and we walked silently down some halls towards the weaver's rooms. There was nothing to be said really. It was a perfectly comfortable silence.

Hoggle opened the door and we walked through into the room. There was cloth covering every surface and thread and scissors and other sewing necessities. A short female goblin walked over to me and said,

"Missy, you be the king's bride-to-be?" I nodded and the old woman smiled. She took my hand in hers and pulled me into another room. Ludo had to stay outside with Ambrosious but Sir Didymus and Hoggle followed me.

My jaw dropped when I saw the dress. It was full length and obviously sleeveless. But there was a very nice little jacket that was worn over it to make it look quite lovely and modest. I ran my hand over it and soon discovered it was made of the finest silk.

"He went all out." I said softly. The goblin nodded.

"That king would. Would you like to try it on?" I nodded and Sir Didymus and Hoggle turned their backs politely. With the help of the weaver I managed to pull it on. I adjusted the jacket and said,

"Sir Didymus, Hoggle, what do you think?" They turned around and unceremoniously gasped. I smiled as Sir Didymus said,

"My lady, ye look stunning!" Hoggled simply stared and I laughed.

"Do I look pretty, Hoggle?" He nodded while his eyes were still wide. I laughed again and gestured for them to turn around while I slipped it off.

"Thank you, Ma'am. I shall wear it. You are very kind to make it for me." The goblin laughed.

"Missy, it were my orders. I can't go against the king." Chuckling, I walked out of the weaver's quarters and back to my own. I sat back down on my bed and took a deep breath. Sir Didymus and Ludo left to go do other things but Hoggle stayed.

I just stared into space, lost in thought. I couldn't really think. All this was happening way to quickly for my tastes. Maybe it wasn't a wise decision of mine to get married quickly but it needed to be done. I might be scared and nervous but I would do it.

Hoggle looked at me and said,

"Sarah, are you alright?" I smiled faintly.

"I will be. Everything is happening so quickly." He nodded and walked over to pat me on my back.

"Yes, it is. You'll get used to it though. Don't worry. When the war is over, life shall go back to normal. Well, as normal as it can be with the rat Jareth ruling. Expect the unexpected with him around." I chuckled slightly. So true. Jareth was unpredictable and I liked it. I liked him just a little. He wasn't as bad as I had thought he was.

He could be polite when he wanted to be and even kind. I smiled at the thought. Hoggle looked at me and said,

"I believe you need some rest, your majesty. Go to bed. I know it is early but you need your rest." I tried to protest but he wouldn't hear of it. He made sure I had laid down before he would leave.

He left and I relaxed for a moment before realizing how very tired I was. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I was getting married tomorrow. I was starting to be slightly excited.

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