Chapter 20 - War Again

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Sarah's POV:

 I awoke the next morning, screaming Jareth's name. It had been a dream though. All a dream. I laid my head back on the pillow and sobbed for a few moments. The dream had been so perfect.

I had been walking through a lovely garden. Jareth had been holding my hand and smiling pleasantly. None of his smirks. Just an honest smile. We hadn't been talking, just holding hands and basking in each other's company.

Then a dark cloud had come. Darkness that covered and hurt almost. Somehow Jareth and I had been parted. He was far on the other side of a chasm. I was fighting to get to him. Then he fell to his death. There was nothing I could do. 

That is what had caused me to wake up screaming. I climbed out of bed and pulled on my clothes. I was exhausted even after sleeping for nearly twelve hours. My rest never seemed to satisfy. I buckled on the tattered cloak and stepped out of the royal rooms and walked briskly to the throne room.

Normally I might have teleported but today I just wanted to walk. I needed some time to think. As I walked through the halls I took note of what needed to be done with repairs. In a castle this large there were always things that needed done.

As I was walking I suddenly heart foot steps behind me. I spun around and saw of all people Berry hobbling towards me. She gave me a lopsided smile as she reached me.

"Deary, how are you this morning?" I smiled and held out my hand to her.

"Well enough. I had a restless night but otherwise I am well." Though around my subjects my air was a sad one, I couldn't help but feel a little happier around my friends. This old beggar woman was quickly growing to be one of those.

She took my hand in a firm grip and I was surprised at the strength. I wouldn't have thought a woman of her frailty would have had such a grip. This woman was full of surprises.

We walked down the hall and suddenly I had a question to ask her.

"Berry, what race are you? Fae, Human, Goblin, Banshee or another?" She chuckled and smiled at me before saying,

"I am not pure anything. My mother was a Fae and my father a human. When my father died my mother killed herself. I lived on my own until my old bones couldn't handle the life above ground. The Goblin king allowed me to come back to this place. I have lived as a beggar ever since." I smiled and turned down a hallway before asking,

"How old are you? If you're part Fae then are you immortal like them?" The woman laughed and said,

"No, Deary, I am not. I am three hundred years old though. My human blood has caused the horrible aging you see. My Fae blood has caused me to live a long life." She winked at me. I smiled and opened the door to my throne room. The old woman hobbled over to a corner and sat down. I smiled back at her and took my place on Jareth's or my throne, throwing one leg over the arm rest.

It was quite comfortable. I relaxed and watched my subjects. There wasn't much to see. Some were sober; most were not. chickens were everything. I covered my yees with a hand and groaned. I only opened my eyes when I heard the door opening.

I looked up and saw three banshees walking into the throne room. I instantly righted myself on my throne and said,

"Banshee Empress, why are you here?" The Empress walked towards me while her underlings stayed behind her.

"Goblin Queen, we have come about the war." I looked at her, completely puzzled. The trolls had retreated after Jareth's death. They had left forever or so I had been led to believe.

"What war?" The Banshee Empress frowned.

"Didn't you know that war had been declared? Three weeks ago I might add. Weren't you told?" I stepped off my throne and toward the Banshee Empress. I hadn't heard a thing.

"No, I did not. Was I supposed to?" At that moment I felt like an idiot. I also felt angry. Very angry. The Banshee Empress stared at me,

"Yes, you were supposed to. We asked Maitland to give you the message and ask you for your help. Have you not been in contact with him?" I nodded.

"I have been in contact. He told me something was going on. He didn't tell me that war had been declared. He must have forgotten but I don't understand how." I returned to my throne and sat down. I didn't get it. Maitland should have told me. The Banshee Empress looked at me and frowned.

"Maybe he did. I shall have a talk with him. But, we are at war and your assistance had been requested. We ask you to find a general and send your army to us for help once again." I frowned for a moment. I didn't like the sound of this at all. Not the part about the war but why Maitland hadn't told me about it all.

I rose from my throne and paced for a moment. Then it hit me what the Banshee had said. I turned slowly to look at her and said,

"Did you just say for me to find a general to fight?" If she was implying what I thought was implying I wasn't happy. The Banshee nodded.

"Yes, in this world a woman doesn't fight. Ever." I glared dangerously. I wans't letting my army march away without their queen. I had let Jareth go alone because he was the king. Now, I was the queen and it was my duty to fight for my kingdom.

"I am sorry to break tradition but I am the general to my Goblin armies. You want them, you will have me lead them." The Banshee took a step back and sighed.

"Very well. I don't approve but we need your army. When can you march?" I frowned for a moment while I thought.

"Give me one hour and I can have my men ready to march." The Banshee nodded and said,

"Good. March them to the Fae Realm and meet us at the castle. It shouldn't take you more than a few days of hard marching." I nodded my agreement and the Banshees changed into their crow form and flew away.

I started to show orders at the few sober Goblins. They sprang to attention and ran to get the army ready. I prayed most of the army was sober. It was only after that had been done when I remembered Berry was still sitting in the corner.

I walked over to her and said,

"Do you want to come with me, Berry?" I didn't know why I asked but it seemed right. I trusted her. She gave me a pleasant smile and said,

"Yes, I will come. I don't know what use an old Fae-Human can be to you but I shall try." I held out my hand and teleported her back to my room where I got ready to leave.

An hour later, my army was marching towards the Fae Realm.

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