Chapter 5 - Friends

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Sarah's POV:

I was so happy to see my friends. I had missed them so much. Sir Didymus was the first to speak.

"My lady, I am glad to see thy face once more! How fare thee? And why are thee here?" I smiled at the fox and said,

"I am here because I accepted Jareth's offer of my dreams. I will be living here and marrying Jareth." Didymus stared at me and Hoggle said,

"You are marryin' Jareth? That rat?" I scowled and said,

"He isn't that bad. I don't think it will be as bad as I thought. It wasn't like I had much of a choice. I was dying. If I didn't accept I would have died. Now, I am immortal and a Fae. I am still trying to get used to it." I laughed at the thought and gestured for Hoggle and Didymus to sit down. Ludo plopped down on the ground and said,

"Sawah marry Jaweth?" I smiled at him and said,

"Yes, Ludo. I am going to marry Jareth in thirteen weeks. Hoggle shook at me and said,

"I still can't believe it, Sarah. Why would you marry him? I mean, there had to be another way!" I sighed and looked out my window.

"I don't know. I guess it was the easiest. It can't be that bad. After all, I will be queen. Jareth has to live an interesting life!" Hoggle laughed and said,

"Yeah, interesting! Not for his subjects. He is an unpredictable Fae without a conscience and likes to play tricks. You will learn soon enough that he isn't a nice fellow." I sighed and spoke softly.

"He can't be all bad. I mean, there has to be something good about him." Sir Didymus nodded quickly.

"True, my lady. There must be so virtue in him, Goblin King though he be. Do you love him though?" I had been looking at the window but now my head spun to look at Sir Didymus.

"Love him?" I hadn't asked myself that question yet. I hadn't thought about it. I looked at Sir Didymus and said, "Well, I don't know right now. I took the offer because it was that or die. I don't think living with him would be a fate worse then death." Hoggle laughed.

"You haven't known him for as long as I have. One day you will see that he is completely heartless." I frowned and suddenly there was a cruel chuckle.

"So I am completely heartless, am I?" Hoggle swallowed and turned around. Jareth was standing in the doorway, smirking as always. He took a few steps closer and spoke again, "Cat got your tongue?" Hoggle shook his head and stammered,

"No, Sir, y-you a-aren't." Jareth raised his eyebrows and said,

"I could have sworn I heard you say something to the like of it. Maybe I was mistaken." His eyes flashed with amusement and Hoggle shuddered in his shoes. I sighed and said,

"Jareth, it isn't proper to listen at doors." He turned to look at me and the amusement was gone and replaced with frankness.

"I wasn't listening at the door. Now, if you will excuse us," He said, glaring at my friends. Hoggle immediately started for the door with Ludo and Sir Didymus not far behind. He laughed and said, "Oh, Higgle, don't forget. I can still bog you." Hoggled turned to look at him and said,

"It's Hoggle. And, no, I haven't forgotten." A moment latter they were gone. I turned towards Jareth and placed my hands on my hips.

"Jareth, that isn't nice. You are really being cruel to him." He looked at me and said,

"I don't mean anything by it. I just enjoyed taunting him." I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the bed.

"Jareth, sometimes you act like a child. How old are you really?" He looked at me and laughed.

"A child am I? Well, I do still find amusement in games but I am not a child. As for my age, well, Faes are immortal so we really don't count years. I always found it amusing though so I do know how many years I am old." I looked at him and said,

"Then, tell me." He thought for a moment and said,

"Well, by my last calculation, 1008 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. I may be off by a few days." I stared at him. He didn't look a day over twenty-one. He seemed to see my shock and said, "It really doesn't matter. I am kinda young for a Fae. In my family there are some well over 4000 years." My jaw dropped. I didn't know how he had arrived. I never thought that he might have had family. I had at one point thought that he had appeared out of the ground. I just managed to ask,

"You have family?" He laughed and leaned against the wall and said,

"You didn't think I just appeared out of the ground, did you?" I glared. I had been thinking that just a moment before.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" He chuckled and said,

"I know many things, precious." I shot him another glare and said,

"Tell me about your family and your kind." He smirked and walked forward to take my hand in his.

"Now, it is your kind. You forget you are Fae as well. Now, that is a discussion to be done over a good meal. Shall we eat?" I nodded and he led me out of my room.

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