Chapter 29 - Alice

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Author’s Notes:

Dear Readers,

I simply wanted to thank all my readers for reading this book and bearing with the cliffhangers. Trust me, there will be more. This chapter is kind of filler. And, there is a somewhat steamy kissing scene. I am getting bolder and, I hope, better with those.

Please, I love input and would love to know what you think about those. I am new to this and will take criticism willingly. Thanks for reading.

I wanted to make a special note of my newest voter, @TommyShawAwesome and thank them for their support!!!!!!!!!! It means a lot to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am totally new to this fandom so every vote keeps me going!!!!!!!!!



Sarah’s POV:

I shifted faintly on the bed and felt myself wake up. I heard two voices and instantly recognized them. One was Jareth and the other Gareth. I still wondered why on earth a couple would name their children names that were so similar. Well, Jareth and Gareth were like two peas in a pod. They were mirror imagines of each other. The only difference was that one had green eyes and the other blue. Yep, not much difference at all.

I concentrated on what Gareth was saying and soon he said something that shocked me. There was a runner in the Labyrinth. The first one that I had run since I was queen. My heart went out to the person who was running it. Who had they wished away and instantly regretted like I had?

I opened one eye and watched as Gareth sat down in a chair. There was another difference between them. Gareth sat in a chair. Jareth sprawled over a chair.

I glanced at Jareth and saw a frown on his face. He said,

“A runner? We haven’t had a runner since Sarah’s time. Who did this person with away?” Gareth smiled and handed a sheet of paper to Jareth.

“This is all her information. Her name is Alice Christine Mayqueen. She is Australian by birth and has two younger sisters that I know about. Her home life is difficult. She is running the Labyrinth to save her youngest sister, Abi, who her middle sister, Charlie, wished away. It was an accident and the child meant nothing but as you always say, ‘what is said is said.’”

Gareth smiled to himself like he had done a wonderful deed and I glanced at Jareth. He looked over the paper and snapped,

“Bring the child to me.” Gareth nodded and disappeared. I closed my eye and felt Jareth looking at me.

“You can open your eyes, precious thing. I know you are awake.” I laughed and opened them. He smiled at me and moved to sit by my side on the bed. He traced my jaw with his pointer finger and kissed my lips lightly.

“How is my queen today?” I smiled and blushed. I couldn’t handle the look in his eyes. Before, when he thought I didn’t love him he had kept the love and desire from his eyes. I don’t know how but he had. Now, well, it was plain to see.

He gently took my jaw in his hand and turned me to look at him. I smiled again and he grinned back.

“You never answered my question, precious.” He whispered against me ear. I felt his breath tickle the sides of my neck and shivered slightly.

“Well, you might have to persuade me to.” I smirked and he chuckled. A moment later he was straddling my waist and kissing my neck and like there was no tomorrow. I resisted moaning and moved my head to give him more access.

This guy was good. I groaned and suddenly he captured my mouth with his. My eyes squeezed such as fireworks exploded everywhere. He reached under the covers and massaged my waist and hips. I full out moaned.

I felt his chuckle against my lips as he pulled away.

“Now, did that convince you to tell me?” I raised my eyebrows and shook my head.

“Sorry, Jareth, you have to try harder.” He tried to act irritated but I knew deep down he loved every minute of it. I smirked and he kissed me hard on the mouth. I teased him a little by not opening my mouth when he asked but a moment later I gave in.

I ran a hand through his hair and twisted my fingers in it as I felt the reverberations from his moans. I was helpless to hold mine back. This is what I had to look forward to for the rest of eternity and it sounded like heaven.

I was just about to slip my hands into his shirt when the door opened and I heard a yelp.

“Oh, didn’t need to see that. Did not need to see.” Jareth moved enough for me to be able to see Gareth standing in the doorway with one hand covering his eyes. With the other, he covered the eyes of a little girl. He looked back and growled slightly before moved back into his chair. He sprawled on it and hissed,

“You could have knocked.” Gareth found his seat without removing his hand from either his or the girl’s eyes.

“Yeah, I did. Can you all please at least, lock the door, for my sake?! And, such a little girl didn’t need to see such a…” He thought for a moment before saying, “passionate display of affection.” Jareth laughed and said,

“You and the girl are safe.” Gareth peaked out from behind his hands before removing his hand from the girl’s eyes. I smiled at her and struggled to make my breathing even. Jareth had that effect on me. He just had to be so handsome and such a good kisser. His lips were addicting.

The girl smiled back and held onto Gareth’s hand. She wouldn’t let go. I said softly,

“Come here, Abi. We won’t hurt you.” She shook her head and hit behind Gareth. Jareth looked up at him and smirked,

“If her sister can’t beat the Labyrinth you may have a new daughter. Abi, this is my wife Sarah and I am Jareth, Goblin King. Now, why don’t you come over here? I won’t bite.” He smiled at her and held out his hands.

Abi looked at Gareth and then back at Jareth. She let go of Gareth’s hands and walked over to Jareth. He swung her up into his arms and sat her on his knee. I smiled at the pair and then the girl hopped onto my bed. She cuddled up against me and whimpered,

“Will sister find me?” I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t know, Abi. I don’t know.” I held her close and at the moment began to hope that Alice wouldn’t be able to find her. I looked out the window and remember what it had been like for me to run the Labyrinth after Toby.

I had been thinking about him for the past few days and missed him horribly. I wanted to have him with me. Maybe Jareth could come up with a way for him to become a Fae. I didn’t want to be selfish though. Right now I would have to content myself with Abi and keeping her occupied until her sister won or lost.

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