Chapter 11 - Jareth's Family

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 Sarah's POV:

A tall man in a long purple robe walked toward us. He was smiling and reminded me of grandfather. His hair was organized and not at all the wildness of Jareth's. In fact, there was very little resemblance between them.

His eyes were black and his hair might have been black as well at one point. He walked forward and embraced Jareth. Jareth embraced him back then said,

“Sarah, may I introduce you to my father Maitland. Father, this is my fiancee, Sarah.” Maitland hugged me gently and smiled brightly. He was different from his son. Different as night and day.

“Good evening. I am glad to see you again son. You haven't changed a bit.” Jareth smirked and said,

“I am immortable, Father. I don't change.” Maitland laughed and said,

“Come with me. Your mother is wanting to speak with you. She had seen worried sick over you.” Maitland started to walk away and Jareth rolled his eyes. He leaned over to me and whispered,

“Mother always did worry about me. Not seeing me for 900 years went hard on her.” He took my hand and followed his father's brisk pace. I didn't have time to look around because we were soon teleported to the room his mother was in.

The moment I looked at her, I knew where Jareth had gotten his deadly good looks. His mother had long blond hair, bright blue eyes, a killer figure, and a smirk that was all Jareth's. His mother walked forward and embraced him gently.

“My son. I missed you so. Why did you come visit?” Jareth closed his eyes and carefully said,

“I didn't have time, Mother. Being Goblin King isn't all about bogging goblins and kicking chickens.” I held back a giggle and whispered,

“But that is the most of it.” Jareth's mother looked at me and smiled.

“So this must be your fiancee. She has a quick tongue on her, Jareth. She shall prove quite a match for you. I understand she beat the Labyrinth?” Jareth nodded and clinched his fists. I could see the faint annoyance in his eyes.

I smiled at his mother and said,

“Yes, Ma'am, I did beat it despite all his tries to keep from it. Jareth is quite persistent.” I smirked and realized once more it was his smirk I was using. He was rubbing off on me.

His mother beamed and held out her hand to me.

“I am Karis. My son has told me much about you. You were human once?” I nodded. Somehow I got the idea I was likely to be judged by that. His mother frowned slightly and looked me over. I stood perfectly still as she circled me. More than once, she clicked her tongue but I couldn't tell if it was approval or disapproval.

Suddenly she said,

“Change into your bird form.” I shifted and found I was standing on my feet. I flapped my wings and rose upward to eye level with her. She again looked me over. She nodded and snapped her fingers. I managed to land mostly on my feet. She had changed me back. That was super annoying. I didn't like that everyone could change me back.

“She is a good looking Fae for having been a human. Her bird form is quite beautiful. I haven't seen a black hawk in years. You picked well, Jareth. Very well.” I blushed and he pulled me closer to him. Most of the time I would have left or tried not to stand so close but he was the only thing I even partially understood in this place.

He was something I could trust just a little. I liked his father and his mother but I didn't know them. They smiled at us and said,

“You look quite lovely together. I can't wait to see the heirs you produce.” I smiled and hid my blush. Heirs, yeah, I wasn't about to give him an heir unless I loved him. And I didn't love him yet. Jareth laughed.

“Well, we shall see. Now, Sarah is quite tired. Do you have a room for her?” Maitland laughed.

“Have you forgotten custom over the years, my boy? Surely you remember you two sleep in the same room.” My eyes snapped up to his face and then to Jareth's. He looked at his father in shock.
“What are you saying?” Maitland and Karis both laughed again. I wasn't liking the way this was going. Not one iota. I didn't feel liking sharing a room with this man until we were married. It went against my human principles. Karis pointed out,

“But, Jareth, it expected of you and Sarah to share a room. When a groom has his fiancee with him on a journey they are expected to room together so no harm comes to here in a strange land. Even here, you shall be sharing the same room.” I looked up at Jareth and expected him to disagree but he didn't. He simply took my hand and we teleported to our room.

We were alone and I said,

“Jareth, why? What is with this tradition? I don't like it!” He chuckled and ran a hand through his blond hair. It was quite an endearing gesture really. He shook his head as he said,

“I had forgotten the custom. I never went through that because I never had a fiancee. I was the wild son and never hung around one girl long enough to become engaged to her. Looks like we shall be sharing a room, love.” He smirked and pointed at the bed. “But, for the sake of your human morals, not the bed. This couch is quite comfortable. I know that the human mindset still runs in your veins.”

He walked over to the couch and tested it out then flung himself onto it. He smirk that wild smirk and said,

“Perfectly comfortable. Now, precious, get some rest. You had a long day.” I smiled and collapsed into bed without worrying about changing.

I didn't know how long I slept but when I woke it was pitch black. Then I heard a scream. An ear-piercing scream. Not a wail but an inhuman scream. I bolted upright and drew in a deep breath. I heard movement in my room and forgot where I was. I whimpered and flinched when I felt two arms come around me.

I relaxed a moment later when I realized it was Jareth. He held me close and whispered.

“There's nothing to worry about. It's only the banshees. I wonder why they have come?”

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