002| Class

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"You look so bored in every class, it's kind of adorable."

REMUS LUPIN AND Y/N L/N walked to their first class of the day together. Lily had already went before they did, how very thoughtful of her. Sirius, James, and Peter were all still peacefully sleeping at their dorm. Remus and Y/n thought it would be absolutely cruel if they disturbed them.

"Potions," said Remus, his lips curving into a smile, "Should be fun." Y/n looked at him, and merely shrugged. "Did you get into Slughorn's little club?" asked Y/n with a lifted eyebrow. Remus shook his head as a sign of "no". "What about you?" He returned the question. "I've got better things to do," Y/n replied with a slight smirk.

The area got darker as the approached the dungeons, just another few minutes to the potions classroom. Y/n never liked the dungeons at all. The place always creeped her out. She just got an eery feeling whenever she stepped her foot in there. Not to mention the Slytherins that were hanging around.

The rivalry between the two houses was no secret. Y/n being a muggle-born, only added fuel to the fire. She knew that absolutely none of the Slytherins took a liking of her.

As Remus and Y/n passed some students, who were wearing green robes, she heard a couple whispers, insults that were directed at her. The words "Mudblood" , "Filthy" , and "Dirty blood" were audible to her.

Remus wrapped an arm around Y/n, just for reassurance and comfort. He knew he heard the evil words they were saying. And the last thing he wanted was to let them get to her.

After what felt like an eternity, they reached the classroom door. "What better things have you got than a occasional supper party every now and then?" asked Remus while opening the door for her. "Ladies first, go on."

Y/n looked up and smiled at her friend. "Such a gentleman you are," said Y/n as they both walked into the classroom, taking the seats beside each other. "And to answer your question.. I find playing my guitar alone in my room more interesting."

"By the way.." said Remus, pulling out his potions book, "You've got to teach me a little bit of music. You're brilliant at it." Y/n pressed her lips together as a rosy tint crept up on her cheeks. Complimenting her musical abilities was like love language to her.

Y/n turned her head down, fiddling with her own fingers. "Stop it," said Y/n shyly, stealing glances of Remus. "It's true though," Remus chuckled, "I'd love to know how to play the guitar, at least."

"It would be an honour to teach you, Remus Lupin," Y/n joked, tucking a piece of her own hair behind her ear. Remus chuckled, and opened his mouth to say something,

But was interrupted by Professor Slughorn's voice. "Good morning class," yelled the potions master, greeting the class warmly. "Good morning, Professor," the classroom echoed.

The Professor started explaining about sleeping draughts, love potions, and all sorts of the kind. Y/n wasn't really paying attention though. She was impatiently tapping on the table, dreading for the end of the lesson.

Remus nudged her shoulder. "Hey," he called, "Is your brain still here?" Y/n visibly flinched at the sudden gesture. She looked up at Remus, and sighed. "No," she simply replied with a smirk.

"You look so bored in every class, it's kind of adorable," Remus teased, while Y/n tried to muffle her giggles, which ended up sounding like snorts, resulting in Remus to let out faint chuckles as well. "Well, well," said Professor Slughorn, noticing the two, "Is everything alright, Mr. Lupin and Miss L/n?"

"Yep," Y/n nodded. "Everything's all good, don't worry, Professor." The teacher merely nodded, and went back to teaching.

Y/n and Remus giggled yet again. She tried to conceal her face with her hands, but then she felt something hitting her head. She looked down, finding the object had already landed on the floor. She picked it up, learning that it was a crippled paper ball.

"What's that?" asked Remus, snatching the paper ball from her. Before Y/n could say or do anything, he opened the piece of parchment, and it showed bold letters that read:


The pair looked back to Sirius, James, and Peter who were now giving them their middle fingers. They look dreadful. The boys' hair were all over the place, super messy bedheads. Their noses were still somewhat red, and their eyes still looked tired.

"We're not lovers," Y/n whispered to them. She could hear James whispering back,


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