030| Wrong Name

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"Why did you just call me Regulus?"

Y/N L/N WAS IN THE BOYS' ROOM, alone. She couldn't get the image of Regulus out of her head, and the fact that he told her he loved her.

She was sitting on Remus' bed, playing with the necklace he gave her. But still, she couldn't quite stop thinking about Regulus and his;

"I love you, Cherry."

She shouldn't be thinking about him, but she just couldn't help it.

Y/n didn't know Regulus liked her that much to the point where he would say something like that.

Y/n heard the door creak open, but she didn't pay attention to it.

Footsteps started approaching, but she couldn't care less.

Someone plopped on the soft bed beside her, but she still wasn't paying attention.

"Hey, love," someone called.

Remus. But Y/n didn't even realize that.

"I am so tired today," he complained, moving around the bed, "Sirius and James made me help them with those silly little pranks."

She didn't even turn her head towards him, or react in any way.

"It's exhausting," he added.

"I'm sorry we haven't seen each other all day," Remus apologized, smiling, "But what have you been up to?"

"Y/n?" he called, realizing that she was zoning out. "Are you listening?"

"Y/n?" he tried once again. Still no answer from his girlfriend.

"Darling, hey," he chuckled, placing his hand on her shoulder. But when she turned, she didn't say the name he was expecting her to say.

"Yes, Regulus?"

Y/n's expression dropped when she realized what she had just said, and Remus' did too.

His happy face – his excitement to see his girlfriend all faded away.

"What?" he asked, heart beating fast, started feeling uneasy. "Why did you just call me Regulus?"

Y/n chuckled, furrowing her eyebrows. She tried to shrug it off, "I didn't say Regulus."

"Yes, you most certainly did," Remus said, scooting away from her. They just stared at each other, both at a lost for words.

"So you've been hanging out with Regulus," suddenly Sirius appeared at the door, and Y/n asked him, "What are you talking about?"

"We saw you, Y/n," Remus said. He saw that they talked – but he didn't think it was important. He didn't, until this happened.

"Moony, i—"

"My no good of a brother. Really?" Sirius said, raising an eyebrow. "Stop calling him that," Y/n replied, defending Regulus.

"Moony—" Y/n tried to grab his hand, but he moved away, "Moony!"

"Look, i've had enough for today, alright?" he said, stepping towards the door, "I don't need this right now."

He exited the room, and Y/n tried to follow behind – but Sirius stopped her.

"We saw you talking to Regulus yesterday," said Sirius, "What was that all about?"

Y/n sighed, heading back to the bed, and Sirius followed her. They both sat together there.

"Sirius, you're my best friend, right?" Y/n asked. "Obviously," he replied.

"Can you promise me something?"


"Don't tell anyone about what i'm going to tell you," she begged, "Please."

"Not even Moony?" Sirius asked.

"No," Y/n replied, shaking her head.

"Why are you keeping secrets from your boyfriend?"

"Can you keep a secret, Sirius?" Y/n asked, annoyed that he kept asking questions, "Yes or no?"

"Yes! Fine," Sirius gave in, "I can do that."

"Promise me," said Y/n, offering him her pinky finger. "This is important." Sirius looked at it with a raised eyebrow, before linking his pinky with hers. "Okay, i promise."

"Don't freak out."

"Just tell me!"

"Regulus and i kissed," she blurted out, closing her eyes to not see Sirius' reaction.

"WHAT?!" he shouted, and Y/n could just tell his pupils are popping out.

"A long time ago!" she exclaimed, "Before Moony and i started dating. I didn't cheat on him, i swear on my life i did not cheat on him."

"My brother, Y/n?" Sirius asked in disbelief, "Why?" Y/n sighed, and shrugged, "I don't know – he's nice!"

"Y/n, darling, you know better," said Sirius, "Stop thinking about him."

"He told me he loves me," Y/n blurted out. Sirius paused for a while, staring at her with wide eyes. His lips soon twitched, breaking into a chuckle. "You do realize he might be playing tricks on you, right?" he said, "Y/n, don't leave Moony for him, i beg you."

"He's so fucking in love with you, and if you guys broke up he'd be crushed," Sirius continued, "Plus, Moony's a much better guy than Regulus is, trust me."

Y/n stayed silent, thinking about what could happen to Remus if that did happen.

"It's already hard for him now, with his condition and all," he pointed out, "Think about what would happen if you left him for Regulus."

Sirius was right.

"I'm not thinking about leaving him for Regulus!" Y/n whisper shouted, defending herself. "Well, good!" Sirius nodded, "Good, you shouldn't think about that."

"You know that Moony has always been so good to you ever since you stepped foot into Hogwarts," said Sirius, "Don't let that go for someone you barely know."

"Okay," Y/n agreed, "You're right."

"Of course i am."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now