015| Piano Lesson

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"But it was a lot of fun."

Y/N L/N WAS PLAYING PIANO in the music room of Hogwarts - fifth floor. She liked hanging around there when she needed some alone time. Just to let the music take over her busy mind and calm her down.

As she was playing a few songs, she heard faint footsteps coming up. They started getting louder and louder, meaning whoever it was - was approaching the music room.

A familiar figure popped out - Remus. He entered the room and leaned against the wall, smiling at Y/n. "I knew you'd be here," Remus spoke, still eyeing the girl.

A smile formed on Y/n's lips. She rested her chin on her hand, and playfully asked him, "Were you stalking me?" Remus chuckled while shaking his head as he approached her, "No, you're just so predictable, i always know where to find you."

"You know me too well," Y/n commented, and he shrugged, "Maybe." He got closer and closer to her, and eventually, he sat down on the piano bench beside her. "What are you doing?" He asked. Y/n replied, "I was just bored. So i came here."

"Teach me," said Remus. Y/n tilted her head to his direction and asked, "Teach you what?" "What do you think?" Remus cackled, "The piano, of course."

"There's a fee," said Y/n, and Remus asked, "What's that?"

"You've got to pay me with chocolate."

"Alright. Fair enough," he agreed, and Y/n began to teach him. "Okay.. So we'll start with simple notes," Y/n said as she took his hand and placed it on the piano, "Do is this one." "Do. Got it," Remus nodded.

"Have you heard of that one song that goes.. Do, a deer-" Y/n started, and Remus continued, "A female deer."

"Re, a drop of golden sun! Yes!" Y/n excitedly exclaimed. "I've watched the sound of music," Remus confessed, making Y/n's lips form an amused smile. "Have you? We need to watch it together sometime," she suggested and he nodded, "Agreed."

"So you know where the do re mi fa sol la ti do are then?" said Y/n as she started to play the song. "I do."

"Do a deer a female deer - go on," Remus sang, and he encouraged Y/n to do the same. "Re, a drop of golden sun," she joined in, on the verge of laughter.

"Mi, a name i call myself."

"Fa, a long long way to run."

"We're like children," Y/n wheezed, while Remus kept on encouraging her to keep going. "This is fun. Continue!" He exclaimed.

"I'm not even teaching you- i'm just playing this alone," said Y/n as her fingers stopped playing the piano. Seeing this made Remus' eye rolled back playfully. "Continue the song, Y/n!" he shouted.

"So, a needle pulling thread," Y/n finally sang again while laughing. "La, a note to follow so."

"Ti, a drink with jam and bread."

"That'll bring us back to do-oh-oh-oh."

They both looked at each other in awe as they finished the song, and soon broke down into laughter. Y/n felt complete by being with Remus, and so did he.

Remus was certain that he felt romantic feelings for her. He remembered every little thing she did, and he would always get flustered whenever she was around.

Y/n on the other hand.. Was still confused about hers. She had always been sure that she liked Remus, but now her feelings are kind of torn apart between two people, although she didn't want to admit it, not even to herself.

"That was amazing," said Remus, breaking the silence. Y/n laughed in response before asking, "What did you learn?"

"Nothing," he chuckled, "But it was a lot of fun." Y/n nodded in agreement, chuckling away with him. "Can you teach me again sometime? Properly?" Remus requested, as Y/n snorted, "Wasn't that the whole point?"

Dear diary,

Y/n taught me piano today.

Well.. Kind of. But i had a really really great time.

Everyday, i get more and more sure about my feelings. I do want to be with her. She's the best person i have ever met in my life. She accepts me for who i am, she's kind, thoughtful, and an amazing person in general.

I think she feels the same way. I hope she does. I'll have a serious conversation about it with her soon, when i'm ready anyway. I'm praying everything goes well.


a/n;this chapter is cute but was rushed and poorly written

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this chapter is cute but was rushed and poorly written. i'm so sorry it's midnight for me rn and i wanted to get this up🙇🙇

the next chapter is a regulus one and i'm hella excited for it <33

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