018| Lips

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"I fucked up really bad."

Y/N L/N WAS WALKING OUT OF CLASS, with Lily, Remus, James, Sirius, and Peter following behind. She chuckled hearing one of James' jokes, and Remus had his hands on her shoulders as they walked.

But the moment Y/n stepped her foot out of the class room, she felt a hand gripping her arm strongly. The hand pulled her aside to an empty corridor, separating her from her friends.

When she got a good look of the person, she immediately realized it was Regulus Black. Y/n leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms, while Regulus was happily smiling. "Good afternoon, Miss L/n," he greeted.

"Oh dear.." She sighed, "What is it?" His smile grew wider hearing her say that. Regulus fiddled with his fingers and chuckled, "I was hoping i'd catch you here."

"My friends could see us," Y/n remarked. Regulus only shrugged carelessly in response, "So? Let them."

Y/n inhaled a sharp breath. With her heart beating out of her chest, having Regulus ever so close to her. He kept stepping forward, narrowing the space between them.

"Regulus, i don't think you understand," Y/n breathed. His expression dropped. Regulus looked down to his feet, and then back to Y/n's eyes. With a great disappointed tone, he said, "Fine. I know you don't want to be seen with a sod like me."

He stepped back from her, turning around to walk away. Y/n felt a rush of dilemma washing over her. She could chase Regulus and apologize, or join Remus and her friends..

She looked around the corridor, and saw her confused friends, trying to find where she was, and Regulus walking away on the other side.

But she chose Regulus. Y/n ran after him, which luckily he wasn't very far. She grabbed his hand, making him turn his head around to see her. "You know that wasn't what i meant," Y/n retorted, "I'll tell them soon, when the time is right."

Regulus' lips twitched into a smirk, but he held himself back from smiling. With a triumphant look, he stated, "Let's just go. I'm taking you somewhere."

Regulus ran outside, dragging Y/n with him. Hand in hand, they were headed towards the direction of the green house. When they arrived, Regulus looked proud as ever, presenting the green house to Y/n, even though, of course, she had been there a million times before. And lucky for them, Professor Sprout wasn't there, considering the school hours just ended.

"The green house?" Y/n asked with a raised eyebrow, looking around. Regulus' lips broke to a smile. He span around, before taking a basket. "I steal fruits from here on a daily basis," he confessed.

Slowly, Y/n broke into laughter after she tried to keep it in. Regulus joined in too, due to Y/n's contagious laugh. "You thief," Y/n cackled, hitting Regulus' shoulder playfully. "It's for a good cause," he replied.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now