005| Flower Picking

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"Y/n L/n, i cordially invite you to pick flowers with me.

Y/N L/N WAS IN THE BOYS' DORMITORY with Sirius, James, and Peter. It was nightfall - Lily was at one of Slughorn's supper parties and Remus was serving detention. She didn't quite know what he was supposed to do. But after so so so many reassurance, she still felt guilty that he had to face the consequences of just defending her.

She was laying flat on her back beside Sirius on his bed, chewing on pieces of chocolate fudge that Sirius had stolen from the kitchens. James was paying full attention to the Marauders Map, probably looking at Lily's location, while Peter was reading a book, sitting on the floor.

It had only been a few hours since Y/n saw Remus, but for some reason, she really missed his presence.

"So what really happened with Regulus?" Sirius abruptly asked, his voice was a bit muffled due to the food he had in his mouth. Y/n turned her head slightly to his direction and asked, "What do you mean?"

"The chronology," said Sirius in a 'duh' tone. Y/n rolled her eyes, and that was when Peter looked up from his book, and ordered Sirius, "Spell it."

"Spell what?"


"C - H -"

"You're doing great, Pads," said James, holding back his laughter, but ended up chuckling anyway.

"C - H - R - E -"

"You dumb idiot," Y/n cut him off, laughing as she playfully hit his arm, "You turned yourself into an animagus, you're one of the top students here, and you can't spell chronology."

"We don't do spelling bees here at Hogwarts, okay?" said Sirius, defending himself before impatiently demanding, "Just tell me!" Y/n's eyes narrowed as she questioned Sirius, "Why are you so nosy?"

"He's my brother. And he's an idiot, so i wanna know what he did."

"You couldn't spell chronology and now you're saying he's an idiot -" said Peter with a chuckle, to which Sirius interrupted, "That's because he is."

"Y/n, just tell us," James requested, starting to get impatient as well. With a huff, Y/n finally gave in as she began to explain, "So.. I accidentally bumped into Regulus -"

"Like the start of most of those rom-coms you watch?" James interjected. Y/n instantly sat up, her jaw dropping a bit. "James, this isn't romantic - He called me a slur," said Y/n, annoyed.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now