023| Lover Boy

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"You are adorable, you know that?"

you should def read this while listening to good old fashioned loverboy.

A few days had passed since Remus and Y/n made it official. They spent their hours together, sometimes along with their friends, and Y/n was 99% sure she made the right choice.

Sometimes she still thought about Regulus, but always tried to push the idea of him away. Remus was a very caring boyfriend, so she wasn't willing to let that go.

She walked downstairs to the common room, finding him already waiting for her. Remus smiled when he saw Y/n, taking her hand almost immediately. "Ready for our first date?" he chuckled, face turning bright pink.

"Excited and nervous, but yes, i think i am," Y/n nodded as they walked towards the exit of the common room. Remus laughed, running circles with his thumb on her hand. "Oh don't be nervous," he said, "It's just me, love."

Y/n could feel her stomach filling with butterflies when she heard him call her that. Her heart started beating fast, and her cheeks heated up. She inhaled deeply and pressed her lips together, trying to hide her smile. "Love," she repeated, "I like that."

"I am taking you to your favourite spot," said Remus, leading her to the music room. And Y/n knew immediately where they were heading. "The music room?" she asked with raised eyebrows and he nodded, "Correct."

"We're not going to play songs from the sound of music again, are we?" Y/n asked. "Oh no, no," Remus shook his head, "Recycling events is not my thing."

After a few more minutes, they arrived at the music room. Remus browsed his backpack and pulled out a vinyl. Y/n's eyebrows raised as she watched him placed it on the record player.

"I bought this vinyl. It's from that muggle band you really like," Remus smiled, "Queen, right?" Y/n felt her heart dropping, because she knew that Remus never had much money. She felt really guilty that he went out of his way to buy her a vinyl.

Y/n walked closer to Remus, and placed her hands on either sides of his face. "Oh Moony," she gushed, "You didn't have to."

"I want to," said Remus, "Let me do something sweet for you," "For my girlfriend." Her heart melted. Y/n hugged Remus tightly. "You are always sweet," she muffled, "Thank you, Moony."

"Guess what we're doing today," said Remus as they broke the hug. Y/n shrugged, "Listening to the music?"


"Dancing?" Y/n scoffed, "Since when do you know how to dance?" He placed his hands on her waist, as Y/n placed hers on his shoulders. They swayed around to the music, following the rhythm.

"Sirius taught me," Remus told Y/n, as he locked one of his hands in hers. "Did he?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, chuckling.

"He's actually pretty good," Remus confessed. "I feel like he's good at everything," said Y/n, "Especially being annoying." Remus only chuckled before he started humming to the song.

"This is Good Old Fashioned Loverboy, isn't it?" he asked. Your favourite song." "Yes," Y/n nodded, "Yes it is."

"Oh thank Merlin," Remus let out a loud sigh of pure relief, "I was afraid i'd get it wrong." Y/n chuckled seeing her boyfriend's antics, "You are adorable, you know that?"

"Can i spin you around?"


He raised her hand and spun her around, both laughing as he did.

"This is fun," Y/n laughed as they continued to sway around. "Isn't it?" Remus replied, caressing her cheek.

"Just so you know, i have been fantasizing about this," Y/n confessed. "Dancing to Good Old Fashioned Loverboy with the person i love most. With you." He smiled, "We'll dance to this everyday then."

"You sure your feet won't get sore?"

"They'll be fine."

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too, Remus."

Remus slowly leaned in, as Y/n felt her breath getting heavier. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and one of her hands ruffled through his hair. He looked down to her lips as he got closer.

"What a terrible time to enter," said Sirius, making the couple take a few step backs from each other. Remus sighed in disappointment, placing his hand on his forehead.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked rather aggressively, clearly annoyed by his presence. "I was bored," he nonchalantly shrugged, "And Moony mentioned you guys would be here."

"You are interrupting us," Y/n stated, crossing her arms. Sirius opened his backpack and grabbed what looked like James' invisibility cloak out of it. "I'll make myself invisible, it's fine," he said, before wrapping the cloak around him, making himself completely invisible.

But after a short moment, his head popped up again. "Were you guys dancing?" he asked, giving the two a knowing look. "Isn't that quite obvious?" Y/n replied, rolling her eyes.

"We should throw a party," Sirius suggested, "You two can dance all night long, no one would care." Y/n's eyes lit up by the idea. She smiled, and said, "It's actually been a while since the last party."

"Right?" Sirius exclaimed, "You have to come this time, Moony, accompany your girlfriend." Remus never really attended any of the parties that his friends held, and now that they were together, Y/n was clearly hoping he'd be there.

"Please say yes," Y/n pouted before going on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek. She smiled as she saw Remus turn red, knowing that she had won now. "Okay, i'll go," He sighed, "Just this once." Sirius rolled his eyes at the two, and slumped down on a chair.

" Sirius rolled his eyes at the two, and slumped down on a chair

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regulus will appear on the next chapter 😁

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