004| Comfort

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"Smile for me, please?"

Y/N L/N ARRIVED AT THE GRYFFINDOR common room, and she was instantly greeted by Lily. The Evans girl was seemed to be have been waiting for her. When Y/n walked in, Lily stood up from the sofa she was sitting on, and pulled her to sit down with her.

She had a somewhat worried look on her face. The red haired girl's eyebrows were furrowed, and her eyes were a little bit narrowed. She studied Y/n's expression, trying to figure out how she was feeling. Y/n on the other hand, kept her head down.

"I heard about what happened," said Lily, "Students talked about it here and there." Y/n finally looked up, meeting her friend's green eyes. "It's just another Slytherin," Y/n replied, "Moony shouldn't have punched him."

Lily knew how Y/n was truly feeling. She could tell by the look in her eyes. She took Y/n's hand, and said, "Come on, Y/n. You may be fooling everyone else, but i know those words and insults mean a lot to you. I know you're upset."

"I appreciate him for defending me," said Y/n, "But he got in trouble because of it, and that's something i don't want. "

"But he wanted to. He made the choice to step up and tell Regulus that he can't call you those things. He cares about you, Y/n."

"It's just - Remus has always been a student that almost every teacher likes. He's responsible, he's diligent, and now what kind of trouble could he possibly get into? Because of me?"

"It's not your fault," said Lily, rubbing Y/n's back. Y/n sighed in frustration, burying her face in her hands. "He threw the first punch," Y/n muffled. "If i was there, i would've hexed him too," said Lily.

"It's okay to be upset, Y/n. You don't have to hide it all the time," Lily reassured, "I'm here for you, okay? And i know how it feels." Lily pulled her friend into a hug, as Y/n indulge in a tight embrace. "I know, Lily," she nodded, "Out of everyone, it should be you who understands best."

"Thank you," said Y/n, smiling at Lily. The red head returned the smile, as they broke apart. "Don't worry about it," said Lily softly. After they chatted a little bit more, a figure came walking from the common room entrance. A boy with a bruised bottom lip.

"Hey," said Remus, approaching the girls. Y/n's eyes lit up when she saw him. A bright smile was instantly plastered on her face. "Hi," Y/n greeted back. "You okay?" asked Lily.

"Yeah," Remus nodded, "Just a bit bruised. It's not anything new, i get scars all the time."

"Right.." Lily nodded, looking at Y/n and Remus back and forth. "I'll leave you guys to it then," she got up, and walked to her dorm. Lily figured they would love a little alone time right now.

Remus sat beside Y/n, taking the position that Lily left. He clasped his hands together, and merely smiled at her. They both didn't know what to say, but they did enjoy each other's presence. "What did Slughorn say?" Y/n spoke up, starting a conversation after what felt like hours.

"He forced Regulus and i to apologize to each other, and made us swear to never repeat it again," Remus explained with a sigh. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed involuntarily, as she nervously asked, "Did you get into serious trouble?"

"I only got a month of detention, it's fine," Remus shrugged nonchalantly. Like it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Moony - It's not fine. You shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have defended me -" Remus sighed, and took ahold of her hand. He held it tight, and softly reassured her, "Hey, hey, it's okay."

"No, it's not. It's not okay. You -"

He brought his free hand to her face, stroking her cheek delicately. "You didn't deserve to be called that word, Y/n." Y/n felt guilty - Even though sometimes Remus would join his other friends in detention, but he had never gotten into as much trouble as James and Sirius did. "That doesn't matter -" said Y/n, but-

"What?" He interrupted her, looking taken aback, "Of course it matters!" He exclaimed. "He should be more careful with his words when he talks about you," said Remus, resting a hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Or better, he just shouldn't talk about you at all," he added.

"But it's nothing new. People call me mud -" Y/n couldn't even finish her sentence when Remus put his index finger over her lips, shushing her. "Don't say it," Remus said warningly, shaking his head, "Don't."

They locked eyes for a minute. Though it felt much longer than that. Both of them stayed silent - Their hearts were beating out of their chests - Considering the two had never been that close before.

6 years of friendship, yet they had never seen each other's face so closely up until now. With his finger still being on her lips, Y/n took the time to adore Remus' features. The blush that had appeared on her face couldn't be hidden anymore, as Remus noticed too.

After another short minute, Remus cleared his throat awkwardly, scooting away a little bit. "I guess i just finally had enough. I'm sorry for worrying you," said the Lupin boy. To which Y/n shook her head in response, "No, i'm sorry for getting you in trouble."

"Believe me, it's fine, really," Remus reassured for the twentieth time by now. Maybe. "You shouldn't hide how you feel. I know he made you upset. You can trust me. I won't ever judge you for your feelings, Y/n."

Those words really meant alot to her.

"Smile for me, please?" said Remus, flashing her a grin as well, encouraging her to do the same. With a sigh, Y/n obliged, as her lips curved into a smile. Remus let out a chuckle, "There you go. That's better."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now