007| Smiles & Threats

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"I had a great time. I really did."

Y/N L/N WOKE UP TO LILY EVANS sitting on the edge of her bed with a smile. She seemed like she wanted something. Lily approached Y/n slowly, as Y/n began to get confused, furrowing her eyebrows.

Without a 'Good morning' or 'hi' and 'hello', Lily abruptly asked her curiously, "Where were you last night?" Y/n pulled her sheets closer to her, and asked back, "What?"

"Moony wasn't in his dorm — So were you." said Lily, raising her eyebrows knowingly. Y/n felt her cheeks turning red, and her heart beating fast due to the nerves. "I don't know what you're implying," said Y/n.

"Did you sneak out with him?" Lily asked, she couldn't contain her laughter seeing the frightened look on Y/n's face. "No," Y/n said, shaking her head. "Cause if you did, that's really romantic," Lily added, while Y/n lied again, "I didn't sneak out with him."

"Is there something you're not telling me?"


"Are you absolutely sure?"


"I don't believe you."

"Well that's completely fine."

"Let's just get downstairs soon," said Y/n, sliding into her slippers and walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She changed into her uniform, combed her hair, grabbed her bag, and headed down to the common room. "After you," said Lily as they reached the stairs. Y/n walked down first, and was instantly greeted by a smiling James.

But he wasn't smiling at her — he was smiling at Lily, who was walking down behind her. James waved happily, squealing, "Hi, Evans!" completely ignoring Y/n's existence. Y/n sighed at her friend's action, "I'm not even here."

"Want some?" said Peter, offering some morning mint. Y/n gladly took it, and began chewing. "Thanks," she said. Sirius scooted closer to Y/n and greeted her, "Morning, our dearest Y/n." Y/n playfully rolled her eyes at him, and began paying attention to James and Lily again.

"Good morning, how was your sleep?" James asked Lily. To which she simply replied, "Okay." James tapped her shoulder, and exclaimed, even though it was very early in the morning for someone to have that much energy, "That's good to hear! You should get enough rest! Don't want you to be tired in class or anything."

"This is actually embarrassing," Y/n mumbled. And that's when she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her front neck. "Good morning, Y/n," said Remus with a smile. "Morning, Moony."

"Just wanted to say.." He whispered, "I had a great time. I really did." Y/n nodded in agreement, "And so did i." But unlucky for them, Peter, who was standing beside Y/n heard what they said. "Wait what?" he asked, "Had a great time?"

"Huh?" James asked, turning back to tye four friends, "Who had a great time?" Peter smirked and looked at Remus and Y/n knowingly, pointing at them, "These two." "I knew it!" Lily exclaimed, "I knew you were lying."

"Where did you go?" James asked.

"What did you do?" Sirius joined in.

"When did you leave?" Peter added

"Stop with the questions," Y/n complained, and Sirius fired back, "Well stop with the mysteries," he said, "Tell us."

"Well aren't you nosy," said Y/n as she walked away, heading toward the exit of the common room. "Y/n!" Sirius called out to her, but she didn't turn back. "Mind your own business, Black," said Y/n as she exited the common room.

She walked through the corridors alone, heading to class. And suddenly she felt a strong hand gripped arm and swiftly pulled her, now pinning her against the wall. She got a look of the person who had done that.

Regulus Black.

"Your little boyfriend got me in detention," he sneered, holding her arm tight with one hand, and resting the fist of his free hand on the wall — beside her head. "Maybe you should watch your mouth," said Y/n, maintaining eye contact with him.

"You dare talk to me that way, you mudblood?" Regulus scoffed. "Why shouldn't i?" Y/n asked mockingly.

"You'll wish you didn't even exist."

"Make me."

Regulus' eyes widened a bit. And then he said, "You wanna challenge me?" Y/n laughed, and rolled her eyes. "You challenged me first. I'm just returning the favour," she said, "What an honour it is to be insulted by Regulus Arcturus Black."

"No one told me you were so chatty," said Regulus. "And no one told me you were such a scum," Y/n replied.

"Well actually.." She began, "I think i've heard a few words from your brother here and there.. You and your maniacal family."

Regulus pulled out his wand, and pointed it to her neck — the tip of it had already touched her tender skin. "Don't you speak a word on my family," he warned.

Y/n looked down at the wand, and pushed Regulus' hand away from her. "And what are you gonna do about it?" she asked, pouting mockingly.

He clenched his jaw. "Make you regret it," said Regulus through his gritted teeth. Y/n laughed before shoving him away from her. "I'll be waiting for that," said Y/n, walking away from Regulus.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now